首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Financial-related psychological factors affect life satisfaction of farmers

Financial-related psychological factors affect life satisfaction of farmers


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Farmers as individual financial decision-makers can be better identified as those under the greater responsibility of managing multi-faceted stressful situations in both family and farm management. With using 1044 random sampling survey method, this study investigates how financial stress, financial risk tolerance, locus of control, and financial self-efficacy are associated with the life satisfaction of farmers. By investigating the farmer's financial stress and finance-related psychological factors on their life satisfaction, this study has a purpose to inform financial services professionals, such as financial planners and advisors, of how to better serve a population in the farmland industries. Our findings showed that: (a)_ financial stress decreases the life satisfaction, but farmers show lower maringal effect than the non-farmers; (b) locus of control increases the life satisfaction, but the farmers show smaller marginal effect than non-farmers, and (c) demographic factors show different maringal effects among non-famrers and farmers (i.e., age, education, gender). Overall, identification of themselves as a farmer eased the negative relationship between financial stress and life satisfaction but reduced the positive relationship between locus of control and life satisfaction.
机译:农民作为个人财务决策者,可以更好地被确定为在家庭和农场管理中承担更大责任管理多方面压力的人。本研究采用1044随机抽样调查方法,探讨了财务压力、财务风险承受能力、心理控制源和财务自我效能感与农民生活满意度的关系。通过调查农民的财务压力和与财务相关的心理因素对其生活满意度的影响,本研究旨在告知金融服务专业人员,如财务规划师和顾问,如何更好地为农田产业的人口服务。我们的研究结果表明:(a)经济压力会降低生活满意度,但农民的生活满意度低于非农民;(b) 心理控制源提高了生活满意度,但农民的边际效应小于非农民,(c)人口统计学因素在非农民和农民之间(即年龄、教育程度、性别)表现出不同的边际效应。总体而言,自我认同为农民缓解了经济压力与生活满意度之间的负相关,但降低了心理控制源与生活满意度之间的正相关。



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