首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plant sciences >Assessment of Seme Exotic Inbred and Hybrid Genotypes of Tomato for Yield and its Component Traits

Assessment of Seme Exotic Inbred and Hybrid Genotypes of Tomato for Yield and its Component Traits

机译:评估番茄的Seme Exotic近亲及杂种基因型,产量及其组分特征

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Nine inbreed and 8 hybrid genotypes of tomato were collected from AVRDC to evaluate the growth and yield attributing traits comparing with two local varieties viz., Raton and Binatomato-5 at Bangladesh condition. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and found significant variation in all the characters. Among all, inbreed genotype CLN-2777A produced the highest yield (75.24 t ha-1), which was closely followed by hybrid genotype WVCT-8 (70.21t ha-1), inbreed genotype CLN-2413 (68.631 ha-1) and two local varieties Raton (67.921 ha-') and Binatomato-5 (66.871 ha-'). The inbreed genotype CLN-2777B and CLN-2777F produced the lowest yield 17.90-24.081 ha-1, respectively. Besides the yield, inbreed genotype CLN-2777A also produced the highest number of leaves per plant (78.20), number of primary branches per plant (9.10), harvesting duration (48.10 days), fruit weight per plant (2.25 kg) with 53.90% reproductive efficiency and the 2nd highest yield producing genotype WVCT-8 also produced the highest number of flowers per cluster (10.40), number of flowers per plant (146.60), number of fruits per cluster (3.70) and days to first harvest (95.90). Comparing yield and yield contributing characteristics, exotic hybrid genotypes performed better than exotic inbreed but the local varieties performed constantly better. The present results indicated that the exotic inbreed genotype CLN-2777A and hybrid genotype WVCT-8 may be selected as high yielding tomato variety in Bangladesh.
机译:从AVRDC收集了9个番茄自交系和8个杂种基因型,与两个本地品种(即。,Raton和Binatogy-5在孟加拉国条件下。试验采用随机完全区组设计(RCBD),共进行了三次重复,发现所有性状均存在显著差异。其中,近交基因型CLN-2777A产量最高(75.24t ha-1),其次是杂交基因型WVCT-8(70.21t ha-1)、近交基因型CLN-2413(68.631 ha-1)和两个地方品种Raton(67.921 ha-')和Binatomato-5(66.871 ha-')。近交基因型CLN-2777B和CLN-2777F产量最低,分别为17.90-24.081 ha-1。除产量外,自交基因型CLN-2777A的单株叶片数(78.20)、一次分枝数(9.10)、收获期(48.10天)、单株果重(2.25公斤)最高,繁殖效率为53.90%,产量第二高的基因型WVCT-8的每簇花数(10.40)也最高,每株花数(146.60)、每簇果实数(3.70)和首次收获天数(95.90)。比较产量和产量贡献特性,外来杂交基因型表现优于外来自交系,但本地品种表现持续较好。本研究结果表明,外来自交基因型CLN-2777A和杂交基因型WVCT-8可能被选为孟加拉国的高产番茄品种。



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