首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Jackknife empirical likelihood for inequality constraints on regular functionals

Jackknife empirical likelihood for inequality constraints on regular functionals


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Empirical likelihood is effective in many different practical situations involving moment equality and/or inequality restrictions. However, in applications with nonlinear functionals of the underlying distribution, it becomes computationally more difficult to implement. We propose the use of jackknife empirical likelihood (Jing et al., 2009) to circumvent the computational difficulties with nonlinear inequality constraints and establish the chi-bar-square distribution as the limiting null distribution of the resulting empirical likelihood-ratio statistic, where a finite number of inequalities on functionals that are regular in the sense of Hoeffding (1948), defines the null hypothesis. The class of regular functionals includes many nonlinear functionals that arise in practice and has moments as a special case. To overcome the implementation challenges with this non-pivotal asymptotic null distribution, we propose an empirical likelihood bootstrap procedure that is valid with uniformity. Finally, we investigate the finite-sample properties of the bootstrap procedure using Monte Carlo simulations and find that the results are promising. (c) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:经验似然法在涉及矩相等和/或不相等限制的许多不同实际情况下都是有效的。然而,在具有潜在分布的非线性泛函的应用中,它在计算上变得更难实现。我们建议使用jackknife经验似然(Jing等人,2009)来规避非线性不等式约束的计算困难,并将卡氏平方分布建立为所得经验似然比统计量的极限零分布,其中函数上的有限个不等式在Hoeffding(1948)的意义上是正则的,定义了无效假设。正则泛函类包括许多非线性泛函,它们在实际中出现,并且作为特例具有矩。为了克服这种非关键渐近零分布的实现挑战,我们提出了一种一致性有效的经验似然bootstrap方法。最后,我们利用蒙特卡罗模拟研究了bootstrap过程的有限样本性质,发现结果是有希望的。(c) 2020爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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