首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Portfolio optimization based on stochastic dominance and empirical likelihood

Portfolio optimization based on stochastic dominance and empirical likelihood


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This study develops a portfolio optimization method based on the Stochastic Dominance (SD) decision criterion and the Empirical Likelihood (EL) estimation method. SD and EL share a distribution-free assumption framework which allows for dynamic and non-Gaussian multivariate return distributions. The SD/EL method can be implemented using a two-stage procedure which first elicits the implied probabilities using Convex Optimization and subsequently constructs the optimal portfolio using Linear Programming. The solution asymptotically dominates the benchmark and optimizes the goal function in probability, for a class of weakly dependent processes. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment illustrates the improvement in estimation precision using a set of conservative moment conditions about common factors in small samples. In an application to equity industry momentum strategies, SD/EL yields important out-of-sample performance improvements relative to heuristic diversification, Mean-Variance optimization, and a simple 'plug-in' approach. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本研究发展了一种基于随机优势(SD)决策准则和经验似然(EL)估计方法的投资组合优化方法。SD和EL共享一个无分布假设框架,允许动态和非高斯多元回报分布。SD/EL方法可以通过两个阶段来实现,首先使用凸优化导出隐含概率,然后使用线性规划构造最优投资组合。对于一类弱依赖过程,该解渐近地控制基准,并在概率上优化目标函数。蒙特卡罗模拟实验表明,在小样本中使用一组关于公因子的保守矩条件可以提高估计精度。在股票行业动量策略的应用中,SD/EL相对于启发式多样化、均值-方差优化和简单的“插件”方法产生了重要的样本外绩效改进。(C) 2018爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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