首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Plastic mulch and indigenous microorganism effects on yield and yield components of cauliflower and tomato in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh

Plastic mulch and indigenous microorganism effects on yield and yield components of cauliflower and tomato in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh


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Production gaps exist in vegetable crops at the farm level in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh and these gaps could be minimized using different innovative/new agricultural technologies and improved crop management practices. The present studywas conducted to compare yield, yield components of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and tomato (Solatium lycopersicum L), and income of smallholder vegetable farmers within different innovative technology practices (with plastic mulch andindigenous microorganism (IMO) vs. without plastic mulch and IMO) at Baliakandi, Rajbari (inland region); and Dashmina, Patuakhali; and Charfession, Bhola (coastal region) in Bangladesh. Yield and gross margins of cauliflower and tomato with plastic mulch and IMO were higher compared with no plastic mulch and no IMO, regardless of location. At Baliakandi, Rajbari, cauliflower yield with plastic mulch was 42.5 t ha-1, which was a 243% improvement over cauliflower yield obtained without plastic mulch (34.2 t ha-1). At Charfession, Bhola, the highest yield of tomato (57.6 t ha1) was obtained with IMO compared with tomato yield (49.2 t ha1) without IMO, indicating a 17.1% improvement in yield. Similar trends were obtained at Dashmina, Patuakhali. The difference in gross margin between tomato with and without plastic mulch was US$ 1146 ha 1 at Dashmina, Patuakhali. Similar trends were obtained in other locations. Innovative agricultural technologies have the potential to increase yield and income of smallholder vegetable farmers in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh.
机译:孟加拉国内陆和沿海地区的蔬菜作物在农场一级存在生产差距,可以使用不同的创新/新农业技术和改进的作物管理做法,将这些差距降至最低。本研究旨在比较拉杰巴里巴利亚坎迪(内陆地区)不同创新技术实践(有地膜覆盖和内源微生物(IMO)与无地膜覆盖和IMO)下的菜花(芸苔属油菜变种(botrytis))和番茄(茄属番茄)的产量、产量构成,以及小农的收入;帕图阿卡利的达什米纳;孟加拉国沿海地区查菲塞斯。无论在何处,覆盖塑料薄膜和IMO的花椰菜和番茄的产量和毛利均高于不覆盖塑料薄膜和IMO的花椰菜和番茄。在拉杰巴里的Baliakandi,覆盖塑料的花椰菜产量为42.5 t ha-1,比不覆盖塑料的花椰菜产量(34.2 t ha-1)提高了243%。在Bhola的Charfession,与未使用IMO的番茄产量(49.2 t ha1)相比,使用IMO的番茄产量最高(57.6 t ha1),表明产量提高了17.1%。帕图阿卡利的达什米纳也出现了类似的趋势。在帕图阿卡利的达什米纳(Dashmina,Patuakhali),使用和不使用塑料覆盖物的番茄的毛利率差异为1146美元/公顷。其他地方也出现了类似的趋势。创新农业技术有可能提高孟加拉国内陆和沿海地区小农蔬菜种植户的产量和收入。



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