
Comparison of the translucency of two multishaded composite resins polymerized with direct or indirect method


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The aim of this study was to measure the translucency of one indirect and direct resin composite after polymerization and to examine the effect of color parameters on this property. Tescera and Filtek Ultimate, each containing three shade groups (Enamel, Dentin and Body for Filtek Ultimate; and Incisal, Opaceous Dentin and Body for Tescera), were investigated. The translucency parameter (TP) was measured as the color difference between a specimen over a white and black background. Significant differences were observed in TP values between shade groups. Tukey's multiple comparison test revealed TP values among the groups of Filtek Ultimate-EnamelTescera-IncisalFiltek Ultimate-BodyTescera-Body=Filtek Ultimate-DentinTescera-Opaceous Dentin. In conclusion, it is concluded that the translucency of resin composite was affected by polymerization and color parameters.
机译:本研究的目的是测量一种间接和直接树脂复合材料在聚合后的半透明性,并检查颜色参数对该性能的影响。对Tescera和Filtek Ultimate进行了研究,它们分别包含三个色度组(Filtek Ultimate的牙釉质、牙本质和牙体;以及Tescera的切牙、乳白色牙本质和牙体)。半透明性参数(TP)是指样品在黑白背景上的色差。遮荫组之间的TP值存在显著差异。Tukey的多重比较测试显示了Filtek Ultimate珐琅质组的TP值;特塞拉切面;Filtek Ultimate Body;Tescera Body=Filtek Ultimate Dentin;特塞拉乳白色牙本质。综上所述,树脂复合材料的半透明性受聚合和颜色参数的影响。



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