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Pollination, Crop Productivity, and Arthropod and Bird Communities Are Marginally Impacted by Border Vegetation in Highbush Blueberry Production


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Herbaceous flowering or woody plant borders adjacent to highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) fields have the potential to benefit both native pollinators and species of predatory and parasitic arthropods and birds that feed on key highbush blueberry pests, such as spotted wing drosophila [SWD (Drosophila suzukii)]. However, they may also draw pollinators away from the crop, serve as overwintering and/or refugia sites for SWD, and increase the abundance of wild birds that feed on fruit and harbor foodborne pathogens. The objective of this 1-year, observational study was to explore the potential impacts of border vegetation adjacent to commercial highbush blueberry fields on pollination, crop productivity, and arthropod and bird communities within the Pacific Northwest region in the United States. The study included three highbush blueberry cultivars (Duke, Draper, and Liberty), and three field border vegetation treatments: 1) woody perennial vegetation; 2) herbaceous vegetation; and 3) medium-height grasses (control). There was one border treatment per cultivar for a total of nine sites. No cultivar effects nor interactions for any of the variables were detected, so results were combined across cultivars. No differences in pollinator abundance, pollinator visitation rates, estimated yield, berry weight, and seed number were observed across the treatments. Herbaceous borders had more natural enemies than the woody perennial borders, but both were similar to the control. This trend is attributed to higher abundances of parasitic wasps (suborder Apocrita) in the herbaceous and control borders compared with the woody perennial borders. Increased abundances of aphids (family Aphididae), a host for parasitic wasps, likely influenced these results. Differences in predatory arthropods were not observed. Insect abundances were overall low in all field sites measured in this study, likely influenced by SWD insecticide applications. There were no differences in total wild bird density by treatment except for barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), which were greatest in the control treatment. Overall, the border treatments evaluated in this study had small-to-negligible impacts on the measured variables, and there was no clear crop production benefit. Additionally, none of the investigated border treatments negatively impacted highbush blueberry production. Taken together, border vegetation treatments can provide benefits such as reducing pesticide drift, deterring trespassers, and serving as a windbreak; but any potential benefits from a pollination or biocontrol aspect are likely diminished due to current SWD management practices.
机译:与高灌木蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum)田相邻的草本开花或木本植物边界有可能使本地传粉者、捕食性和寄生性节肢动物物种以及以关键高灌木蓝莓害虫为食的鸟类,如斑点翅果蝇[SWD(drosophila suzukii)]受益。然而,它们也可能吸引授粉者远离作物,成为社会福利署的越冬和/或避难所,并增加以水果为食、携带食源性病原体的野生鸟类的数量。这项为期一年的观察研究的目的是探索美国西北太平洋地区商业高灌木蓝莓田附近的边界植被对授粉、作物生产力以及节肢动物和鸟类群落的潜在影响。这项研究包括三个高灌木蓝莓品种(杜克、德雷珀和利伯蒂)和三个田间边界植被处理:1)多年生木本植被;2) 草本植被;3)中高草(对照)。在总共九个地点,每个品种有一个边界处理。没有检测到任何变量的品种效应或相互作用,因此结果是跨品种组合的。不同处理的传粉者数量、传粉者访问率、估计产量、浆果重量和种子数均无差异。草本边界的天敌数量多于多年生木本边界,但两者与对照相似。这一趋势归因于草本和对照边界的寄生蜂(Apocrita亚目)数量高于多年生木本边界。蚜虫(蚜虫科)是寄生蜂的寄主,其数量的增加可能会影响这些结果。没有观察到捕食性节肢动物之间的差异。在这项研究中测量的所有现场中,昆虫丰度总体较低,可能受社会福利署杀虫剂应用的影响。除了谷仓燕子(Hirundo rustica)在对照处理中最大外,其他处理的野生鸟类总密度没有差异。总体而言,本研究中评估的边界处理对测量变量的影响很小,甚至可以忽略不计,并且没有明显的作物生产效益。此外,所研究的边界处理均未对高丛蓝莓的产量产生负面影响。总之,边界植被处理可以提供一些好处,比如减少农药漂移,阻止入侵者,并起到防风林的作用;但由于目前社会福利署的管理做法,授粉或生物控制方面的任何潜在好处都可能会减少。



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