首页> 外文期刊>HortScience >Development and Verification of an Interspecific Hybridization Protocol for Asclepias

Development and Verification of an Interspecific Hybridization Protocol for Asclepias


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Milkweed (Asclepias sp.) is an important pollinator genus across North America and is a host plant for many butterfly species, notably the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). Commercial production of Asclepias is limited to a few species, because most species lack commercial traits, with minimal branching habit, excessive height, and minimal color variation. This study used a commercially viable Asclepias species, butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa L.), as a maternal parent and trialed three different pollination methods in an attempt to create interspecific hybrids. Pollination methods included a traditional method, a pollen-solution-based method, and a novel inverted pollinia method. The inverted pollinia method increased pollination success rates 4-fold among intraspecific crosses of A. tuberosa. When pollination methods were optimized, A. tuberosa was used as the maternal parent, and one-way crosses were made to seven other Asclepias species using the inverted pollinia method. Of the seven species used as pollen donors, four developed hybrid seed successfully: green milkweed (Asclepias hirtella Woodson), purple milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens L.), showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa Torr.), and common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.). As germination methods vary significantly among Asclepias species, three methods of germination were trialed on seed developed via interspecific hybridizations: direct seeded, cold-moist stratification, and embryo rescue. Of the three methods, cold-moist stratification was superior to direct seeding and embryo rescue. This research is the first documented case of a controlled interspecific hybridization event among these species.
机译:马利筋(Asclepias sp.)是北美重要的传粉植物属,也是许多蝴蝶物种的寄主植物,尤其是帝王蝶(Danaus plexippus)。蛔虫的商业生产仅限于少数物种,因为大多数物种缺乏商业特性,分枝习性极小,高度过大,颜色变化最小。本研究使用商业上可行的蛔虫物种蝴蝶草(Asclepias tuberosa L.)作为母本,并试验了三种不同的授粉方法,试图创造种间杂种。授粉方法包括传统方法、基于花粉溶液的方法和一种新的倒花粉法。倒花粉法使块茎月季种内杂交的授粉成功率提高了4倍。在优化授粉方法时,以A.tuberosa为母本,用倒花粉法与其他七种蛔虫进行单向杂交。在用作花粉供体的七个物种中,有四个成功培育出杂交种子:绿色马利筋(Asclepias hirtella Woodson)、紫色马利筋(Asclepias purpurascens L.)、艳丽的马利筋(Asclepias speciosa Torr.),和普通马利筋(Asclepias syriaca L.)。由于不同蛔虫种的发芽方法有很大差异,在通过种间杂交培育的种子上试验了三种发芽方法:直接播种、冷湿分层和胚胎拯救。三种方法中,冷湿层积法优于直播法和胚胎挽救法。这项研究是第一个记录在案的情况下,控制种间杂交事件在这些物种。



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