首页> 外文期刊>Heart failure reviews >Diaphragm abnormalities in heart failure and aging: mechanisms and integration of cardiovascular and respiratory pathophysiology

Diaphragm abnormalities in heart failure and aging: mechanisms and integration of cardiovascular and respiratory pathophysiology


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Inspiratory function is essential for alveolar ventilation and expulsive behaviors that promote airway clearance (e.g., coughing and sneezing). Current evidence demonstrates that inspiratory dysfunction occurs during healthy aging and is accentuated by chronic heart failure (CHF). This inspiratory dysfunction contributes to key aspects of CHF and aging cardiovascular and pulmonary pathophysiology including: (1) impaired airway clearance and predisposition to pneumonia; (2) inability to sustain ventilation during physical activity; (3) shallow breathing pattern that limits alveolar ventilation and gas exchange; and (4) sympathetic activation that causes cardiac arrhythmias and tissue vasoconstriction. The diaphragm is the primary inspiratory muscle; hence, its neuromuscular integrity is a main determinant of the adequacy of inspiratory function. Mechanistic work within animal and cellular models has revealed specific factors that may be responsible for diaphragm neuromuscular abnormalities in CHF and aging. These include phrenic nerve and neuromuscular junction alterations as well as intrinsic myocyte abnormalities, such as changes in the quantity and quality of contractile proteins, accelerated fiber atrophy, and shifts in fiber type distribution. CHF, aging, or CHF in the presence of aging disturbs the dynamics of circulating factors (e.g., cytokines and angiotensin II) and cell signaling involving sphingolipids, reactive oxygen species, and proteolytic pathways, thus leading to the previously listed abnormalities. Exercise-based rehabilitation combined with pharmacological therapies targeting the pathways reviewed herein hold promise to treat diaphragm abnormalities and inspiratory muscle dysfunction in CHF and aging.
机译:吸气功能对于肺泡通气和促进气道清除的排出行为(如咳嗽和打喷嚏)至关重要。目前的证据表明,吸气功能障碍发生在健康老龄化过程中,并因慢性心力衰竭(CHF)而加重。这种吸气功能障碍与CHF和衰老心血管和肺病理生理学的关键方面有关,包括:(1)气道清除障碍和肺炎易感性;(2) 在体力活动期间无法保持通风;(3) 限制肺泡通气和气体交换的浅呼吸模式;(4)交感神经激活,导致心律失常和组织血管收缩。膈肌是主要的吸气肌;因此,它的神经肌肉完整性是吸气功能充分性的主要决定因素。动物和细胞模型中的机制研究揭示了可能导致CHF和衰老中膈肌神经肌肉异常的特定因素。其中包括膈神经和神经肌肉接头的改变,以及固有的心肌细胞异常,如收缩蛋白数量和质量的变化,加速纤维萎缩,以及纤维类型分布的改变。CHF、衰老或存在衰老的CHF会干扰循环因子(如细胞因子和血管紧张素II)的动力学,以及涉及鞘脂、活性氧和蛋白水解途径的细胞信号,从而导致先前列出的异常。以运动为基础的康复结合针对本文所述途径的药物治疗有望治疗CHF和衰老患者的膈肌异常和吸气肌功能障碍。



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