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ChronicOnline: Implementing a mHealth solution for monitoring and early alerting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


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Lack of time or economic difficulties prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients from communicating regularly with their physicians, thus inducing exacerbation of their chronic condition and possible hospitalization. Enhancing Chronic patients' Health Online proposes a new, sustainable and innovative business model that provides at low cost and at significant savings to the national health system, a preventive health service for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, by combining human medical expertise with state-of-the-art online service delivery based on cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, data analytics, and mobile applications. In this article, we implement the frontend applications of the Enhancing Chronic patients' Health Online system and describe their functionality and the interfaces available to the users.
机译:由于缺乏时间或经济困难,慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者无法定期与医生沟通,从而导致慢性疾病恶化,并可能住院治疗。通过将人类医学专业知识与基于云计算的最先进的在线服务交付相结合,增强慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的在线健康,提出了一种新的、可持续的、创新的商业模式,以低成本和显著节约的成本为国家卫生系统(national Health system,一种针对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的预防性卫生服务)提供服务,面向服务的体系结构、数据分析和移动应用程序。在本文中,我们实现了增强慢性病患者健康在线系统的前端应用程序,并描述了它们的功能和用户可用的界面。



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