首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Entomological Society >A remarkable addition to the native scolytine fauna of the ecologically devastated Hawaiian island of Lanai and new island records for five exotic bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)

A remarkable addition to the native scolytine fauna of the ecologically devastated Hawaiian island of Lanai and new island records for five exotic bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)


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A survey for scolytine bark and ambrosia beetles undertaken on the entomologically understudied and ecologically devastated Hawaiian island of Lanal, revealed the remarkable presence there of Xyleborus mauiensis Perkins, 1900, an endemic Hawaiian ambrosia beetle in the tribe Xyleborini not previously recorded from the island. Its presence on Lana'i 'fills the gap' in a distribution encompassing the now isolated islands of Molokai and Maui that together with Lanai composed the single historically large island of Maui Nui more than half a million years ago. We emphasize the reliance of X. mauiensis upon its only known host plant, the endemic Hawaiian Cheirodendron trigynum (Araliaceae), and highlight the conservation importance of ensuring the persistence of even a small number of native plants in environments otherwise dominated by exotic flora. We also report five additional new species records for introduced exotic bark and ambrosia beetles in the tribes Xyleborini and Trypophloeini new to Lana'i, discussing their significance to our understanding of the distribution of bark beetles in Hawai'i. We provide a checklist of all Scolytinae recorded from Lana'i to date, together with their known host plants and photographs of the newly recorded beetles together with a map indicating where they were sampled.
机译:在昆虫学尚未研究且生态遭到破坏的夏威夷拉纳尔岛上进行的一项对东莨菪碱树皮和豚草甲虫的调查显示,该岛上存在着一种不同寻常的木蠹属(Xyleborus mauiensis Perkins,1900),这是木蠹Borini部落中一种特有的夏威夷豚草甲虫,以前从未在该岛上记录过。它在拉奈岛上的存在填补了目前孤立的莫洛凯岛和毛伊岛分布的空白,这两个岛屿与拉奈岛一起构成了50多万年前历史上最大的毛伊努伊岛。我们强调毛叶松对其唯一已知的寄主植物——夏威夷特有的三叶草(五加科)的依赖性,并强调保护的重要性,即确保即使是少数本地植物也能在以外来植物为主的环境中生存。我们还报告了拉奈新引进的外来树皮甲虫和豚草甲虫的五个新物种记录,讨论了它们对我们了解夏威夷树皮甲虫分布的意义。我们提供了拉奈迄今为止记录的所有豚草亚科的清单,以及它们已知的寄主植物和新记录的甲虫照片,以及一张标明取样地点的地图。



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