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Synchronization of germinal vesicle maturity improves efficacy of in vitro embryo production in Holstein cows


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Germinal vesicle oocytes obtained by ovum pick-up (OPU) on a random day are heterogeneous in terms of chromatin maturity, and those with an intermediate degree of chromatin compaction present higher developmental competence. We previously developed a synchronization protocol combining follicle aspiration and FSH treatment capable of increasing the percentage of oocytes with intermediate chromatin compaction (classified as GV2 oocytes; within progressive stages of chromatin compaction ranging from GV0 to GV3) at the time of OPU. In this study, we tested the capacity of a similar protocol to synchronize oocyte chromatin maturity before OPU, as well as to improve the efficacy of in vitro embryo production (IVP) in Holstein cows. In the first experiment, eight non-lactating Holstein cows were subjected to the D5/4FSH, during which all follicles larger than 2 mm were aspirated and a progesterone intravaginal device was inserted on a random day (day 0). Subsequently, four IM injections of FSH (Folltropin; 40/40/20/20 mg) were administered 12h apart on days 2 and 3, and removal of the progesterone device and OPU were performed on day 5. Of the oocytes recovered by OPU, 83.2% were at the GV2 stage. In a second experiment, eighteen non- lactating Holstein cows (Synchro group) were subjected to the D5/4FSH protocol followed by IVM/IVF, and embryo production was compared with that of other seventeen cows submitted to OPU on a random day followed by IVM/IVF (Control group). Blastocyst rate in relation to total oocytes recovered was higher in the Synchro group (37.9%) compared to the Control group (21%; P < 0.05). The percentage of good quality blastocysts morphologically selected for freezing and later transfer in relation to the total number of oocytes recovered tended to be higher in the Synchro group (27.68%) compared to the Control group (14.34%; P = 0.1). These data suggest that synchronization protocols increasing the percentage of GV2 oocytes in the population subjected to IVM/IVF can improve the efficacy of embryo in vitro production in cattle. (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:随机日取卵(OPU)获得的生发泡卵母细胞在染色质成熟度方面是异质的,染色质致密程度中等的卵母细胞具有较高的发育能力。我们之前开发了一种同步方案,结合卵泡抽吸和FSH治疗,能够增加OPU时染色质中度紧实的卵母细胞(分类为GV2卵母细胞;在染色质紧实的渐进阶段,范围从GV0到GV3)的百分比。在这项研究中,我们测试了一个类似方案在OPU前同步卵母细胞染色质成熟的能力,以及提高荷斯坦奶牛体外胚胎生产(IVP)的效率。在第一个实验中,八头非泌乳荷斯坦奶牛接受D5/4FSH,在此期间,所有大于2mm的卵泡都被抽吸,并在随机的一天(第0天)插入孕酮阴道内装置。随后,在第2天和第3天,间隔12小时注射四次FSH(Follotropin;40/40/20/20 mg),并在第5天移除孕酮装置和OPU。在OPU回收的卵母细胞中,83.2%处于GV2期。在第二个实验中,18头非哺乳期荷斯坦奶牛(Synchro组)接受D5/4FSH方案,然后进行IVM/IVF,并将胚胎生产与其他17头奶牛在随机日接受OPU方案,然后进行IVM/IVF(对照组)进行比较。与对照组(21%;P<0.05)相比,Synchro组的囊胚率(37.9%)相对于回收的卵母细胞总数更高。与对照组(14.34%;P=0.1)相比,同步冷冻组(27.68%)在形态学上选择用于冷冻和随后转移的优质囊胚占回收的卵母细胞总数的百分比更高。这些数据表明,同步方案增加IVM/IVF人群中GV2卵母细胞的百分比可以提高牛体外胚胎生产的效率。(c) 2020爱思唯尔公司版权所有。



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