首页> 外文期刊>Theriogenology >Monitoring follicular dynamics using ultrasonography in captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) during the breeding season

Monitoring follicular dynamics using ultrasonography in captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) during the breeding season

机译:在繁殖季节中使用超声检查监测卵泡动态(Ursus Arctos)

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Artificial insemination (AI) may be a useful tool in the reproductive management of endangered animals, including bears. To establish an AI program for bears, we investigated follicular dynamics using weekly transrectal ultrasonography in six captive brown bears. Along with ultrasonography, we monitored plasma progesterone (P-4) and estradiol-17 beta (E-2) concentrations. Furthermore, two bears were administered a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to induce ovulation on the first day on which the largest follicle reached more than 10.0 mm in diameter. Brown bears showed two patterns of follicular development in the early and late periods of the breeding season. In the early period (May to mid-June), multiple follicular waves were observed; namely, many follicles developed, and the largest follicles grew to less than 6.0 mm in diameter then regressed. In the late period (mid-June to July), one or two follicles grew to greater than 6.0 mm in diameter and developed as dominant follicles. Moreover, the growth rate of the largest follicle in the late period was faster than that in the early period of the breeding season. One bear with a follicle of 13.1 mm ovulated spontaneously, and one bear ovulated when the follicle was 10.2 mm in diameter after GnRH agonist treatment. Plasma E2 concentrations increased and showed peaks five to seven days before the largest follicles reached their maximum size. Plasma P4 concentrations increased on the day the corpus luteum could be detected using ultrasonography. This is the first study that showed there are two patterns of follicular development in brown bears. Furthermore, the largest follicle reaching greater than 10.0 mm in diameter could be an indicator of the appearance of ovulatory follicles. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:人工授精(AI)在包括熊在内的濒危动物的生殖管理中可能是一个有用的工具。为了建立一个熊的人工智能程序,我们在六只圈养棕熊中使用每周经直肠超声检查来研究卵泡动力学。除了超声检查,我们还监测了血浆孕酮(P-4)和雌二醇-17β(E-2)浓度。此外,在最大卵泡直径超过10.0 mm的第一天,给两只熊注射促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)激动剂以诱导排卵。棕熊在繁殖季节的早期和晚期表现出两种卵泡发育模式。在早期(5月至6月中旬),观察到多个卵泡波;也就是说,许多卵泡发育,最大的卵泡生长到直径小于6.0毫米,然后退化。在后期(6月中旬至7月),一个或两个卵泡直径大于6.0毫米,并发育为优势卵泡。此外,繁殖后期最大卵泡的生长速度快于繁殖早期。一只卵泡为13.1毫米的熊自发排卵,一只熊在GnRH激动剂治疗后卵泡直径为10.2毫米时排卵。血浆E2浓度升高,并在最大卵泡达到最大尺寸前5至7天达到峰值。血浆P4浓度在超声检测到黄体的当天升高。这是第一项表明棕熊卵泡发育有两种模式的研究。此外,直径大于10.0 mm的最大卵泡可能是排卵卵泡外观的指标。(C) 2019爱思唯尔公司版权所有。



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