首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Integration of gamma ray spectrometry, magnetic susceptibility and calcareous nannofossils for interpreting environmental perturbations: An example from the Jenkyns Event (lower Toarcian) from South Iberian Palaeomargin (Median Subbetic, SE Spain)

Integration of gamma ray spectrometry, magnetic susceptibility and calcareous nannofossils for interpreting environmental perturbations: An example from the Jenkyns Event (lower Toarcian) from South Iberian Palaeomargin (Median Subbetic, SE Spain)


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The Pliensbachian-Toarcian sedimentary rocks of the Median Subbetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) were deposited in the South Iberian Palaeomargin under hemipelagic conditions. In the Arroyo Mingarron section (SE Spain) these deposits are composed by a marl and marl and limestone alternation with abundant radiolarians. The application of magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray spectrometry to these deposits allows to interpret environmental changes related to the fluctuations in the continental influx of terrigenous and phytodetritus to a hemipelagic setting in the South Iberian Palaeomargin. The increase of terrigenous input was coincident with the negative carbon isotopic excursion (CIE) at the base of the NJT6 nannofossil Zone that correlates with the Jenkyns Event. The increase of Th and K content is related to enhanced detrital input, especially oxides and silicates, including clay minerals. The gamma ray signal derived from U is comparatively low with respect to K and Th. Nevertheless, the U content shows an increase in the base of NJT6 nannofossil Zone that indicates a relative increase of organic matter content coincident with the Jenkyns Event. Changes in the calcareous nannofossil assemblages at the beginning of the NJT6a nannofossil Subzone and, in particular, the sharp decrease in abundance of the species Mitrolitus jansae during the negative CIE of the Jenkyns Event are interpreted as related to sea-water stratification and a probable poor oxygenation making inhospitable the deep photic zone during this event.
机译:中部亚贝特(西班牙东南部贝特-科迪勒拉)的普林斯巴希期-托阿尔期沉积岩沉积在半深海条件下的南伊比利亚古边缘。在Arroyo-Mingarron剖面(西班牙东南部),这些矿床由泥灰岩、泥灰岩和石灰岩交替组成,含有大量放射虫。对这些矿床应用磁化率和伽马射线能谱分析,可以解释与陆源碎屑和植物碎屑流入伊比利亚古边缘南部半深海环境的波动有关的环境变化。陆源输入的增加与NJT6纳米化石带底部的负碳同位素漂移(CIE)一致,该带与詹金斯事件相关。Th和K含量的增加与碎屑输入增加有关,尤其是氧化物和硅酸盐,包括粘土矿物。从U获得的伽马射线信号相对于K和Th相对较低。然而,U含量显示NJT6纳米化石带底部的增加,这表明有机质含量的相对增加与Jenkyns事件一致。NJT6a超微化石亚带开始时钙质超微化石组合的变化,尤其是在Jenkyns事件的负CIE期间,Mitrolitus jansae物种丰度的急剧减少,被解释为与海水分层和可能的低氧合作用有关,使得该事件期间的深部光照带变得不适宜居住。



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