首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Validity of congenital malformation diagnoses in healthcare claims from a university hospital in Japan

Validity of congenital malformation diagnoses in healthcare claims from a university hospital in Japan


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Purpose: This study aimed to assess the validity of diagnoses of congenital malformations (CMs) recorded in claims of a university hospital in Japan. Methods: Congenital malformations were identified according to Code Q00-Q89 of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. All the children who had been diagnosed with CMs based on their claims in 2015 and within 1 year from their birth month were selected for this study. The infants' medical records were considered as a gold standard. Positive predictive values (PPVs) for CMs were calculated. Results: This study included 227 infants who had a CM diagnosis in their claims. Based on the algorithms established by the Quebec Pregnancy Cohort study group, the PPV for any CM was 90.7% and that for major CMs (MCMs) was 91.5%. Concerning MCMs of specific organ systems, those of the circulatory system (PPV 85.1%) were the most frequent, followed by cleft lip and cleft palate (PPV 100.0%), and other CMs of the digestive system (PPV 96.4%). Based on the EUROCAT classification, the PPV for any MCM was 88.5%. Specific MCMs reported in ≥20 infants were ventricular septal defect (PPV 96.0%), patent ductus arteriosus (PPV 72.7%) and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (PPV 100.0%). Conclusions: The PPVs for CMs in the Japanese administrative data were high enough to suggest that these data could be utilized for perinatal pharmacoepidemiological evaluations. The results were from a single center, and further validation studies are needed.
机译:目的:本研究旨在评估日本一所大学医院索赔中记录的先天性畸形(CMs)诊断的有效性。方法:根据国际疾病分类第10版代码Q00-Q89识别先天性畸形。根据2015年的声明以及出生月份后1年内被诊断为CMs的所有儿童都被选入本研究。婴儿的医疗记录被视为黄金标准。计算CMs的阳性预测值(PPV)。结果:这项研究包括227名声称患有CM的婴儿。根据魁北克妊娠队列研究组建立的算法,任何CM的PPV为90.7%,主要CM(MCM)的PPV为91.5%。关于特定器官系统的MCM,循环系统的MCM(PPV 85.1%)最常见,其次是唇裂和腭裂(PPV 100.0%),以及消化系统的其他CMs(PPV 96.4%)。根据EUROCAT分类,任何MCM的PPV为88.5%。报告的特定MCM≥20例婴儿为室间隔缺损(PPV 96.0%)、动脉导管未闭(PPV 72.7%)和唇裂伴或不伴腭裂(PPV 100.0%)。结论:日本行政数据中CMs的PPV足够高,表明这些数据可用于围产期药物流行病学评估。结果来自单个中心,需要进一步的验证研究。



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