首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Nutrition and Food Research >Dietary Squalene Induces CytochromesCyp2b10andCyp2c55Independently of Sex, Dose, and Diet in Several Mouse Models

Dietary Squalene Induces CytochromesCyp2b10andCyp2c55Independently of Sex, Dose, and Diet in Several Mouse Models


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Scope: To investigate the effects of squalene, the main hydrocarbon present in extra virgin olive oil, on liver transcriptome in different animal models and to test the influence of sex on this action and its relationship with hepatic lipids. Methods and Results: To this purpose, male C57BL/6JApoe-deficient mice are fed a purified Western diet with or without squalene during 11 weeks and hepatic squalene content is assessed, so are hepatic lipids and lipid droplets. Hepatic transcriptomic changes are studied and confirmed by RT-qPCR. Dietary characteristics and influence of squalene doses are tested inApoe-deficient on purified chow diets with or without squalene. These diets are also given toApoa1and wild-type mice on C57BL/6J background and to C57BL/6J xOla129Apoe-deficient mice. Squalene supplementation increases its hepatic content without differences among sexes and hormonal status. TheCyp2b10andCyp2c55gene expressions are significantly up-regulated by the squalene intake in all models, with independence of sex, sexual hormones, dietary fat content, genetic background and dose, and inApoe-deficient mice consuming extra-virgin olive oil. Conclusion: Hepatic squalene increases the expression of these cytochromes and their changes in virgin olive oil diets may be due to their squalene content.



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