xml:id='mma4478-para-0001'> In this paper, we present a general phase tra'/> General phase transition models for vehicular traffic with point constraints on the flow
首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences >General phase transition models for vehicular traffic with point constraints on the flow

General phase transition models for vehicular traffic with point constraints on the flow


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xml:id="mma4478-para-0001"> In this paper, we present a general phase transition model that describes the evolution of vehicular traffic along a one‐lane road. Two different phases are taken into account, according to whether the traffic is low or heavy. The model is given by a scalar conservation law in the free‐flow phase and by a system of 2 conservation laws in the congested phase. The free‐flow phase is described by a one‐dimensional fundamental diagram corresponding to a Newell‐Daganzo type flux. The congestion phase is described by a two‐dimensional fundamental diagram obtained by perturbing a general fundamental flux. In particular, we study the resulting Riemann problems in the case a local point constraint on the flow of the solutions is enforced.



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