xml:id='mma4445-para-0001'>The Riesz probability distribution on any symmetric cone and, in part'/> Some new properties of the Riesz probability distribution
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Some new properties of the Riesz probability distribution


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xml:id="mma4445-para-0001">The Riesz probability distribution on any symmetric cone and, in particular, on the cone of positive definite symmetric matrices represents an important generalization of the Wishart and of the matrix gamma distributions containing them as particular examples. The present paper is a continuation of the investigation of the properties of this probability distribution. We first establish a property of invariance of this probability distributions by a subgroup of the orthogonal group. We then show that the Pierce components of a Riesz random variable are independent, and we determine their probability distributions. Some moments and some useful expectations related to the Riesz probability distribution are also calculated. Copyright ? 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



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