xml:id='mma4434-para-0001'> It has been reported that training deep neura'/> Resolution of singularities via deep complex‐valued neural networks
首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences >Resolution of singularities via deep complex‐valued neural networks

Resolution of singularities via deep complex‐valued neural networks


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xml:id="mma4434-para-0001"> It has been reported that training deep neural networks is more difficult than training shallow neural networks. Hinton et?al . proposed deep belief networks with a learning algorithm that trains one layer at a time. A much better generalization can be achieved when pre‐training each layer with an unsupervised learning algorithm. Since then, deep neural networks have been extensively studied. On the other hand, it has been revealed that singular points affect the training dynamics of the learning models such as neural networks and cause a standstill of training. Naturally, training deep neural networks suffer singular points. As described in this paper, we present a deep neural network model that has fewer singular points than the usual one. First, we demonstrate that some singular points in the deep real‐valued neural network, which is equivalent to a deep complex‐valued neural network, have been resolved as its inherent property. Such deep neural networks are less likely to become trapped in local minima or plateaus caused by critical points. Results of experiments on the two spirals problem, which has an extreme nonlinearity, support our theory. Copyright ? 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



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