首页> 外文期刊>Marine and Petroleum Geology >Sedimentary environments and mechanism of organic matter enrichment of dark shales with low TOC in the Mesoproterozoic Cuizhuang Formation of the Ordos Basin: Evidence from petrology, organic geochemistry, and major and trace elements

Sedimentary environments and mechanism of organic matter enrichment of dark shales with low TOC in the Mesoproterozoic Cuizhuang Formation of the Ordos Basin: Evidence from petrology, organic geochemistry, and major and trace elements


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Proterozoic strata have become a new target for hydrocarbon exploration worldwide. They exhibit the potential to become a resource replacement target. To provide a reference for hydrocarbon source rock evaluation, the sedimentary environment and mechanism of organic matter enrichment of dark shales in the Mesoproterozoic Cuizhuang Fm. were investigated for the first time by combining organic and inorganic research concepts. Although the total organic carbon (TOC) content in the Cuizhuang Fm. is relatively low (mean value of 0.59%), it still can be considered as a potential source rock. Thin-section observations, main and trace element contents, and biomarker compounds revealed the following: (1) the Cuizhuang Fm. was deposited in a neritic shelf sedimentary environment at a passive continental margin, and the climate was warm and humid. The hydrocarbon-generating organisms mainly comprised prokaryotes such as cyanobacteria and other bacteria. All these characteristics meet the conditions of source rock formation. (2) The low oxygen level, felsic source provenance, and absence of submarine hydrothermal activity led to low productivity, and the low productivity and low-grade hydrocarbon-generating organisms led to low TOC content in the Cuizhuang Fm. (3) The enrichment of V in the Cuizhuang Fm. is apparent, but does not reach the hyper-enrichment threshold of 500 ppm associated with euxinic conditions, revealing anoxic ferruginous conditions. Moreover, the V content is positively correlated with TOC content, indicating that organic matter enrichment was mainly controlled by the redox conditions of the bottom water. Therefore, the sedimentary areas with high productivity were related to basic source provenance and submarine hydrothermal activity, and anoxic bottom water may have promoted the development of better source rocks. This findings may represent the main direction for identifying effective source rocks in subsequent work.



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