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The family Bignoniaceae is comprised of primarily tropical and subtropical trees, shrubs, and vines with 113 genera and 800 species. There are about eleven Catalpa species found throughout the West Indies and Asia, with two being native to North America: C. bignonioides, southern or eastern catalpa; and C. speciosa, northern or western catalpa. Both are variably known as cigar tree, Indian-bean, or fish-bait tree. The latter name derives from its use as a culture for the catalpa sphinx moth, Ceratomia catalpa, whose white and black caterpillar is a highly prized fish-bait. The original range of C. bignonioides was northern Florida and southwest Georgia to eastern Missisippi, while that of C. speciosa was from northwest Arkansas to central Illinois and west Tennessee. Because of desirability as ornamentals with large numbers of showy flowers, they have spread widely from the northeastern states to the Great Plains, to Utah and northern Arizona. C. ovata, native to China, has been introduced to north-central and northeast United States, while C. bignonioides and C. speciosa have been successfully introduced to Europe and Asia. Catalpa prefers moist soils in open areas by the margins of streams, fields, marshes, and roadsides. While primarily an ornamental, the wood is durable and can be used for fence posts; some tropical species provide high quality lumber in limited amounts. Dehydro-alpha-lapachone from the stem bark of C. ovata shows antifungal activity against a spectrum of fungi, as well as inhibitory effects on LPS-induced production of TNF-alpha and nitric oxide.
机译:紫Big科主要由热带和亚热带树木,灌木和藤本植物组成,共有113属800种。在整个西印度群岛和亚洲发现了大约11种Cat树,其中两种原产于北美洲:C. bignonioides,南部或东部的;树;以及C. speciosa,北部或西部的al叶。两者都被称为雪茄树,印度豆树或鱼饵树。后者的名称源自其作为cat叶狮身人面蛾蛾的Ceratomia catalpa的培养物,其白色和黑色的毛毛虫是一种非常珍贵的鱼饵。 C. bignonioides的原始范围是佛罗里达州北部和乔治亚州西南部至密西西比州东部,而C. speciosa的原始范围是从阿肯色州西北部至伊利诺伊州中部和田纳西州西部。由于希望将其作为观赏植物并带有大量艳丽的花朵,因此它们已从东北各州广泛传播到大平原,再到犹他州和亚利桑那州北部。卵形衣原体C. ovata,原产于中国,已引入美国中北部和东北部,而C. bignonioides和C. speciosa已成功引入欧洲和亚洲。 al猫喜欢在溪流,田野,沼泽和路边的空旷地区潮湿的土壤。木材虽然主要用作装饰,但经久耐用,可用于围栏。一些热带物种只能提供数量有限的优质木材。卵形衣原体茎皮中的脱氢α-拉帕酮显示出对多种真菌的抗真菌活性,以及​​对LPS诱导的TNF-α和一氧化氮生成的抑制作用。



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