首页> 外文期刊>Applied Intelligence: The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies >A gamma type-2 defuzzification method for solving a solid transportation problem considering carbon emission

A gamma type-2 defuzzification method for solving a solid transportation problem considering carbon emission


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This paper intends to develop a multi-objective solid transportation problem considering carbon emission, where the parameters are of gamma type-2 fuzzy in nature. This paper proposed the defuzzification process for gamma type-2 fuzzy variable using critical value (CV) and nearest interval approximation method. A chance constraint programming problem is generated using the CV based reduction method to convert the fuzzy problem to its equivalent crisp form. Applying the a-cut based interval approximation method, a deterministic problem is developed. Some real life data are used to minimize the cost and carbon emission. LINGO standard optimization solver has been used to solve the multi-objective problem using weighted sum method and intuitionistic fuzzy programming technique. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm are implemented to generate efficient optimal solution by converting the multi-objective problem to a single objective problem using penalty cost for carbon emission. After solving the problem, analysis on some particular cases has been presented. The sensitivity analysis has been shown to different credibility levels of cost, emission, source, demand, conveyance to find total cost, emission and transported amount in each level. A comparison study on the performance of three algorithms (LINGO, GA and PSO) is presented. At the end, some graphs have been plotted which shows the effect of emission with different emission parameters.



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