
De Sitter scalar-spinor interaction in Minkowski limit

机译:De Sitter Scalar-Spinor在Minkowski限制中的相互作用

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The scalar spinor interaction Lagrangian is presented by the Yukawa potential. In dS ambient space formalism, the interaction Lagrangian of scalar-spinor fields was obtained from a new transformation which is very similar to the gauge theory. The interaction of massless minimally coupled (mmc) scalar and spinor fields was investigated. The Minkowski limit of the mmc scalar field and massive spinor field interaction in the ambient space formalism of de Sitter spacetime is calculated. The interaction Lagrangian and mmc scalar field in the null curvature limit become zero and the local transformation in the null curvature limit become a constant phase transformation and the interaction in this limit become zero. The covariant derivative reduces to ordinary derivative too. Then, we conclude that this interaction is due to the curvature of spacetime and then the mmc scalar field may be a part of a gravitational field.



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