首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Graph Theory Algorithm to Find Minimum Cost Power Flow Path in Deregulated Scenario under Line Outage Contingency

Graph Theory Algorithm to Find Minimum Cost Power Flow Path in Deregulated Scenario under Line Outage Contingency


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Deregulation of the electricity industry throughout the world aims at creating a competitive market to trade electricity, which generates a host of new technical challenges to market participants and power system researchers. In the view of this electric power industry is undergoing vast changes in many parts of the world. Restructuring of the industry involves a transition from centralized planning to decentralize that is subject to competition in the power market. In deregulation system the electricity price segregated into price of electricity energy, energy delivery charges (wheeling charges) and service charges. In a deregulated environment, there are many wheeling transactions in addition to power pool demand. Therefore it is very much important for sellers and buyers of electricity, to find the cost allocation to their wheeling transactions. The proposed method uses minimum cost power flow and avoiding power wheeling charges and power loss reduction method based on minimum impedance path for power flow. The aim of this work is to find minimum cost path under normal condition and alternative path under line outage contingency condition using Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm. This implemented on IEEE-6 bus system. The simulation is carryout using Power World Simulator and MATLAB software.



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