首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Linking serpentinization, hyperalkaline mineral waters and abiotic methane production in continental peridotites: an integrated hydrogeological-biogeochemical model from the Cabeco de Vide CH4-rich aquifer (Portugal)

Linking serpentinization, hyperalkaline mineral waters and abiotic methane production in continental peridotites: an integrated hydrogeological-biogeochemical model from the Cabeco de Vide CH4-rich aquifer (Portugal)

机译:连接蛇形化,甲醛矿物水域和无生物甲烷产量:Cabeco de Vide Ch4富含含水层(葡萄牙)的综合水电站 - 生物地球化学模型

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Continental active serpentinization of ultramafic rocks is today recognized as a key process triggering a sequence of phenomena involving the passage from inorganic, to organic and metabolic reactions. These may have a role in the origin of life, and may explain the occurrence of abiotic hydrocarbons on Earth and other planets. Production of hyperalkaline waters and abiotic methane (CH4) are two critical steps in this sequence. They were described independently by specific hydrogeological and geochemical models. Here, we update and combine these models into a unified scheme using and integrating geological, hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical, gasgeochemical and microbial analyses acquired from 2002 to 2014 in the Cabeco de Vide (CdV) study site, Portugal. The hyperalkaline (pH 10.5), Na-Cl/Ca-OH mineral water of CdV evolve from groundwater-peridotite interaction (serpentinization) generating hydrogen (H-2), which, according to multiple theoretical, laboratory and field evidence, likely reacted with CO2 within metal- (catalyst) rich rocks, abiotically producing CH4 (up to 1.2 mg/L; -24.4 degrees/oo delta C-13-CH4 -14.0 degrees/(oo) and -285 degrees/(oo) delta H-2-CH4 -218 degrees/(oo)). The hyper alkaline water hosts hydrogen oxidizing bacteria "Setpentinomonas", which may explain the paucity of H-2 observed in the dissolved gas. The CdV gas-rich mineral waters ascend along a fault at the boundary of the peridotite intrusion. Temporal changes of pH and CH4 concentration result from episodic mixing with shallower MgHCO3-type waters. Soil-gas analyses show that methane migrates to the surface along the fault, also independently from the water emergences, consistently with non-aqueous abiotic CH4 production. Our integrated model is generally compatible with observations from other gas-bearing continental serpentinization sites.



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