首页> 外文期刊>Allergy >Transfer of innovation on allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in the elderly ( MACVIA MACVIA ‐ ARIA ARIA ) ‐ EIP EIP on AHA AHA Twinning Reference Site ( GARD GARD research demonstration project)

Transfer of innovation on allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in the elderly ( MACVIA MACVIA ‐ ARIA ARIA ) ‐ EIP EIP on AHA AHA Twinning Reference Site ( GARD GARD research demonstration project)

机译:老年人过敏性鼻炎和哮喘多药物的创新转移(麦克西葡萄原 - aria) - 艾哈伊末期参考网站的EIP EIP(Gard Gard Research Amplation项目)

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Abstract The overarching goals of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing ( EIP on AHA ) are to enable European citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives whilst ageing. The EIP on AHA includes 74 Reference Sites. The aim of this study was to transfer innovation from an app developed by the MACVIA ‐France EIP on AHA reference site ( Allergy Diary) to other reference sites. The phenotypic characteristics of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in adults and the elderly will be compared using validated information and communication technology ( ICT ) tools (i.e. the Allergy Diary and CARAT : Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test) in 22 Reference Sites or regions across Europe. This will improve the understanding, assessment of burden, diagnosis and management of rhinitis in the elderly by comparison with an adult population. Specific objectives will be: (i) to assess the percentage of adults and elderly who are able to use the Allergy Diary , (ii) to study the phenotypic characteristics and treatment over a 1‐year period of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity at baseline (cross‐sectional study) and (iii) to follow‐up using visual analogue scale ( VAS ). This part of the study may provide some insight into the differences between the elderly and adults in terms of response to treatment and practice. Finally (iv) work productivity will be examined in adults.


  • 来源
    《Allergy》 |2018年第1期|共16页
  • 作者

    Bousquet J.; Agache I.; Aliberti M. R.; Angles R.; Annesi‐Maesano I.; Anto J. M.; Arnavielhe S.; Asayag E.; Bacci E.; Bedbrook A.; Bachert C.; Baroni I.; Barreto B. A.; Bedolla‐Barajas M.; Bergmann K. C.; Bertorello L.; Bewick M.; Bieber T.; Birov S.; Bindslev‐Jensen C.; Blua A.; Bochenska Marciniak M.; Bogus‐Buczynska I.; Bosnic‐Anticevich S.; Bosse I.; Bourret R.; Bucca C.; Buonaiuto R.; Burguete Cabanas M. T.; Caillaud D.; Caimmi D. P.; Caiazza D.; Camargos P.; Canfora G.; Cardona V.; Carriazo A. M.; Cartier C.; Castellano G.; Chavannes N. H.; Cecci L.; Ciaravolo M. M.; Cingi C.; Ciceran A.; Colas L.; Colgan E.; Coll J.; Conforti D.; Correia de Sousa J.; Cortés‐Grimaldo R. M.; Corti F.; Costa E.; Courbis A. L.; Cousein E.; Cruz A. A.; Custovic A.; Cvetkovski B.; Dario C.; da Silva J.; Dauvilliers Y.; De Blay F.; Dedeu T.; De Feo G.; De Martino B.; Demoly P.; De Vries G.; Di Capua Ercolano S.; Di Carluccio N.; Doulapsi M.; Dray G.; Dubakiene R.; Eller E.; Emuzyte R.; Espinoza‐Contreras J. G.; Estrada‐Cardona A.; Farrell J.; Farsi A.; Ferrero J.; Fokkens W. J.; Fonseca J.; Fontaine J. F.; Forti S.; Gálvez‐Romero J. L.; García‐Cobas C. I.; Garcia Cruz M. H.; Gemicio?lu B.; Gerth van Wijk R.; Guidacci M.; Gómez‐Vera J.; Guldemond N. A.; Gutter Z.; Haahtela T.; Hajjam J.; Hellings P. W.; Hernández‐Velázquez L.; Illario M.; Ivancevich J. C.; Jares E.; Joos G.; Just J.; Kalayci O.; Kalyoncu A. F.; Karjalainen J.; Keil T.; Khaltaev N.; Klimek L.; Kritikos V.; Kull I.; Kuna P.; Kvedariene V.; Kolek V.; Krzych‐Fa?ta E.; Kupczyk M.; Lacwik P.; La Grutta S.; Larenas‐Linnemann D.; Laune D.; Lauri D.; Lavrut J.; Lessa M.; Levato G.; Lewis L.; Lieten I.; Lipiec A.; Louis R.; Luna‐Pech J. A.; Magnan A.; Malva J.; Maspero J. F.; Matta‐Campos J. J.; Mayora O.; Medina‐ávalos M. A.; Melén E.; Menditto E.; Millot‐Keurinck J.; Moda G.; Morais‐Almeida M.; M?sges R.; Mota‐Pinto A.; Mullol J.; Muraro A.; Murray R.; Noguès M.; Nalin M.; Napoli L.; Neffen H.; OHehir R. E.; Onorato G. L.; Palkonen S.; Papadopoulos N. G.; Passalacqua G.; Pépin J. L.; Pereira A. M.; Persico M.; Pfaar O.; Pozzi A. C.; Prokopakis E.; Pugin B.; Raciborski F.; Rimmer J.; Rizzo J. A.; Robalo‐Cordeiro C.; Rodríguez‐González M.; Rolla G.; Roller‐Wirnsberger R. E.; Romano A.; Romano M.; Romano M. R.; Salim?ki J.; Samolinski B.; Serpa F. S.; Shamai S.; Sierra M.; Sova M.; Sorlini M.; Stellato C.; Stelmach R.; Strandberg T.; Stroetmann V.; Stukas R.; Szylling A.; Tan R.; Tibaldi V.; Todo‐Bom A.; Toppila‐Salmi S.; Tomazic P.; Trama U.; Triggiani M.; Valero A.; Valovirta E.; Valiulis A.; Eerd M.; Vasankari T.; Vatrella A.; Ventura M. T.; Verissimo M. T.; Viart F.; Williams S.; Wagenmann M.; Wanscher C.; Westman M.; Wickman M.; Young I.; Yorgancioglu A.; Zernotti E.; Zuberbier T.; Zurkuhlen A.; De Oliviera B.; Senn A.;

  • 作者单位

    MACVIA‐France Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en France European;

    Faculty of MedicineTransylvania UniversityBrasov Romania;

    Municipality of SalernoSalerno Italy;

    Innovación y nuevas tecnologías Salud Sector sanitario de BarbastroBarbastro Spain;

    EPAR U707 INSERMParis France;

    ISGLoBALCentre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)Barcelona Spain;

    KyomedMontpellier France;

    Argentine Society of Allergy and ImmunopathologyBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Regione LiguriaGenoa Italy;

    MACVIA‐France Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en France European;

    Upper Airways Research LaboratoryGhent University HospitalGhent Belgium;

    Telbios SRLMilan Italy;

    AlergologoBelem Brazil;

    Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. MenchacaGuadalarara Mexico;

    Comprehensive Allergy‐Centre‐CharitéCharité‐Universit?tsmedizin BerlinBerlin Germany;

    Regione LiguriaGenoa Italy;

    iQ4U Consultants LtdLondon UK;

    Department of Dermatology and AllergyRheinische Friedrich‐Wilhelms‐UniversityBonn Germany;

    Empirica Communication and Technology ResearchBonn Germany;

    Department of Dermatology and Allergy CentreOdense University HospitalOdense Denmark;

    Argentine Association of Respiratory MedicineBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and AllergyMedical University of LodzLodz Poland;

    Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and AllergyMedical University of LodzLodz Poland;

    Woolcock Institute of Medical ResearchUniversity of Sydney and Sydney Local Health DistrictGlebe;

    AllergistLa Rochelle France;

    Centre Hospitalier ValenciennesValenciennes France;

    Chief of the University Pneumology Unit‐ AOU MolinetteHospital City of Health and Science of;

    Pharmacist of COFASER ‐ Consorzio Farmacie Servizi‐SalernoSalerno Italy;

    Centro Médico Zambrano HellionMonterrey Mexico;

    Service de pneumologieCHU et université d'AuvergneClermont‐Ferrand France;

    Department of Respiratory DiseasesMontpellier University HospitalMontpellier France;

    Pharmacist of COFASER ‐ Consorzio Farmacie Servizi‐SalernoSalerno Italy;

    Department of PediatricsFederal University of Minas GeraisBelo Horizonte Brazil;

    Mayor of Sarno and President of Salerno ProvinceAnesthesiology Service Sarno “Martiri del Villa;

    S. Allergologia S. Medicina InternaHospital Vall d'HebronBarcelona Spain;

    Regional Ministry of Health of AndalusiaSeville Spain;

    ASA ‐ Advanced Solutions AcceleratorClapiers France;

    Celentano PharmacyMassa Lubrense Italy;

    Department of Public Health and Primary CareLeiden University Medical CenterLeiden The Netherlands;

    S.O.S Allergology and Clinical ImmunologyUSL Toscana CentroPrato Italy;

    Specialist Social WorkerSorrento Italy;

    ENT DepartmentEskisehir Osmangazi UniversityEskisehir Turkey;

    Argentine Federation of Otorhinolaryngology SocietiesBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Service de Pneumologie UMR INSERM UMR1087and CNR 6291 l'institut du thoraxUniversity of;

    Department of Health Social Services and Public SafetyBelfast UK;

    Innovación y nuevas tecnologíasSalud Sector sanitario de BarbastroBarbastro Spain;

    Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)Trento Italy;

    Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS)University of MinhoBraga Portugal;

    AlergologaGuadalarara Mexico;

    FIMMG (Federazione Italiana Medici di Medicina Generale)Milan Italy;

    UCIBIO REQYULTEFaculty of Pharmacy and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing of;

    Ecole des MinesAlès France;

    Vice Président de la CME ‐ Centre HospitalierValenciennes France;

    ProAR – Nucleo de Excelencia em AsmaFederal University of BahiaBahia Brazil;

    Department of PediatricImperial College LondonLondon UK;

    Woolcock Institute of Medical ResearchUniversity of Sydney and Sydney Local Health DistrictGlebe;

    Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari di Trento (APSS‐Trento)Trento Italy;

    Allergy ServiceUniversity Hospital of Federal University of Santa Catarina (HU‐UFSC)Florianópolis;

    Sleep UnitH?pital Gui‐de‐Chauliac Montpellier Inserm U1061Montpellier France;

    Allergy DivisionUniversity Hospital of StrasbourgStrasbourg France;

    AQuAS Barcelona Spain &

    EUREGHA European Regional and Local Health AssociationBrussels Belgium;

    Department of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”University of;

    Social Workers CoordinatorSorrento Italy;

    Department of Respiratory DiseasesMontpellier University HospitalMontpellier France;

    Peercode DVGerdermalsen The Netherlands;

    Farmacie Dei Golfi GroupMassa Lubrense Italy;

    Pharmacist of COFASER ‐ Consorzio Farmacie Servizi‐SalernoSalerno Italy;

    Department of OtolaryngologyUniversity of Crete School of MedicineHeraklion Greece;

    Ecole des MinesAlès France;

    Medical FacultyVilnius UniversityVilnius Lithuania;

    Department of Dermatology and Allergy CentreOdense University HospitalOdense Denmark;

    Clinic of Children's DiseasesVilnius UniversityVilnius Lithuania;

    University of AguascalientesChihuaha Mexico;

    AlergologoPlaya del Carmen Mexico;

    Department of Health Social Services and Public SafetyBelfast UK;

    S.O.S Allergology and Clinical ImmunologyUSL Toscana CentroPrato Italy;

    Andalusian Agency for Healthcare QualitySeville Spain;

    Department of OtorhinolaryngologyAcademic Medical CentreAmsterdam The Netherlands;

    Center for Health Technology and Services Research‐ CINTESISUniversidade do PortoPorto Portugal;

    AllergistReims France;

    Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)Trento Italy;

    Regional Hospital of ISSSTEPuebla Mexico;

    AlergologoGuadalarara Mexico;

    Allergy ClinicNational Institute of Respiratory DiseasesMexico City Mexico;

    Department of Pulmonary DiseasesIstanbul UniversityIstanbul Turkey;

    Department of Internal MedicineErasmus MCRotterdam The Netherlands;

    Member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics and Society of ImmunizationRepresentative of GINA;

    Allergy ClinicHospital Regional del ISSSTE ‘Lic. López Mateos’Mexico City Mexico;

    Institute of Health Policy and Management iBMGErasmus UniversityRotterdam The Netherlands;

    University Hospital Olomouc – National eHealth CentreOlomouk Czech Republic;

    Skin and Allergy HospitalHelsinki University HospitalHelsinki Finland;

    Centich: centre d'expertise national des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour;

    Laboratory of Clinical ImmunologyKU LeuvenLeuven Belgium;

    AlergologoEnsenada Mexico;

    Division for Health InnovationCampania Region and Federico II University Hospital Naples (R&

    D and;

    Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia Clinica Santa IsabelBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Libra FoundationBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Department of Respiratory MedicineGhent University HospitalGhent Belgium;

    Allergology DepartmentH?pital d'Enfants Armand‐Trousseau (APHP Paris)Paris France;

    Pediatric Allergy and Asthma UnitHacettepe University School of MedicineAnkara Turkey;

    Immunology and Allergy DivisionHacettepe UniversityAnkara Turkey;

    Allergy CentreTampere University HospitalTampere Finland;

    Institute of Social Medicine Epidemiology and Health EconomicsUniversity of WuerzburgWuerzburg;

    GARDGeneva Switzerland;

    Center for Rhinology and AllergologyWiesbaden Germany;

    Woolcock Institute of Medical ResearchUniversity of Sydney and Sydney Local Health DistrictGlebe;

    Department of Clinical Science and EducationS?dersjukhuset Karolinska InstitutetStockholm Sweden;

    Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and AllergyMedical University of LodzLodz Poland;

    Clinic of Infectious Chest Diseases Dermatology and AllergologyVilnius UniversityVilnius Lithuania;

    Department of Respiratory MedicineUniversity HospitalOlomouc Czech Republic;

    Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and AllergologyMedical University of WarsawWarsaw;

    Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and AllergyMedical University of LodzLodz Poland;

    Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and AllergyMedical University of LodzLodz Poland;

    Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology (IBIM)National Research Council (CNR)Palermo Italy;

    Clínica de Alergia Asma y PediatríaHospital Médica SurMéxico City Mexico;

    KyomedMontpellier France;

    Presidente CMMCMilano Italy;

    Head of the Allergy Department of Pedro de Elizalde Children's HospitalBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da BahiaSalvador de Bahia Brazil;

    SifmedMilano Italy;

    Promotor B3 Action GRoup EIP on AHA and Senior FellowInternational Foundation for Integreted;

    Tech Life ValleyDiepenbeek Belgium;

    Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and AllergologyMedical University of WarsawWarsaw;

    Department of Pulmonary MedicineCHU Sart‐TilmanLiege Belgium;

    University of GuadalajaraGuadalara Mexico;

    Service de Pneumologie UMR INSERM UMR1087and CNR 6291 l'institut du thoraxUniversity of;

    Faculty of MedicineUniversity of CoimbraCoimbra Portugal;

    Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyBuenos Aires Argentina;

    Hospital Regional Siglo XXIMexico City Mexico;

    Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)Trento Italy;

    AlergologoVeracruz Mexico;

    Sachs’ Children and Youth Hospital S?dersjukhusetKarolinska InstitutetStockholm Sweden;

    CIRFFFederico II UniversityNaples Italy;

    Caisse d'assurance retraite et de la santé au travail du Languedoc‐Roussillon (CARSAT‐LR;

    Regione PiemonteTorino Italy;

    Allergy and Clinical Immunology DepartmentHospital CUF‐DescobertasLisboa Portugal;

    Institute of Medical Statistics Informatics and EpidemiologyUniversity of CologneCologne Germany;

    Ageing@Coimbra EIP‐AHA Reference SiteCoimbra Portugal;

    Clinical &

    Experimental Respiratory ImmunoallergyUniversitat de BarcelonaBarcelona Spain;

    Department of Women and Child HealthPadua General University HospitalPadua Italy;

    MedScript LtdDundalk Co. Louth Ireland;

    Caisse d'assurance retraite et de la santé au travail du Languedoc‐Roussillon (CARSAT‐LR;

    Telbios SRLMilan Italy;

    Consortium of Pharmacies and Services COSAFERSalerno Italy;

    Head of Respiratory MedicineCenter for Allergy and ImmunologySanta Fe Argentina;

    Department of Allergy Immunology and Respiratory MedicineMonash UniversityMelbourne Vic. Australia;

    MACVIA‐France Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en France European;

    EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ AssociationsBrussels Belgium;

    Center for Pediatrics and Child HealthUniversity of ManchesterManchester UK;

    Allergy and Respiratory DiseasesIRCCS San Martino Hospital‐IST‐University of GenoaGenoa Italy;

    Department of PneumologyCHU GrenobleGrenoble France;

    Allergy UnitUniversidade do PortoPorto Portugal;

    Sociologist MunicipalitySorrento Italy;

    Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck SurgeryHeidelberg UniversityMannheim Germany;

    Vice‐Presidente of IMLMilano Italy;

    Department of OtolaryngologyUniversity of Crete School of MedicineHeraklion Greece;

    Laboratory of Clinical ImmunologyKU LeuvenLeuven Belgium;

    Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and AllergologyMedical University of WarsawWarsaw;

    Woolcock Institute of Medical ResearchUniversity of Sydney and Sydney Local Health DistrictGlebe;

    AlergistaRecife Brazil;

    Centre of PneumologyCoimbra University HospitalCoimbra Portugal;

    AlergologoMexico City Mexico;

    Regione PiemonteTorino Italy;

    Medical University of GrazGraz Austria;

    Allergy Unit Presidio Columbus RomeCatholic University of Sacred HeartRome Italy;

    Telbios SRLMilan Italy;

    Municipality of SalernoSalerno Italy;

    Association of Finnish PharmacistsHelsinki Finland;

    Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and AllergologyMedical University of WarsawWarsaw;

    AllergistVitoria Brazil;

    Institute of Medical Statistics Informatics and EpidemiologyUniversity of CologneCologne Germany;

    Innovación y nuevas tecnologíasSalud Sector sanitario de BarbastroBarbastro Spain;

    Departement of Internal MedicineUniversity HospitalOlomouc Czech Republic;

    IML (Lombardy Medical Initiative)Bergamo Italy;

    Department of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”University of;

    Pulmonary DivisionHospital da Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao PauloSao;

    Center for Life Course Health ResearchUniversity of OuluOulu Finland;

    Empirica Communication and Technology ResearchBonn Germany;

    Public Health Institute of Vilnius UniversityVilnius Lithuania;

    Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and AllergologyMedical University of WarsawWarsaw;

    Woolcock Institute of Medical ResearchUniversity of Sydney and Sydney Local Health DistrictGlebe;

    Regione PiemonteTorino Italy;

    Imunoalergologia Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra and Faculty of MedicineUniversity of;

    Skin and Allergy HospitalHelsinki University HospitalHelsinki Finland;

    Department of ENTMedical University of GrazGraz Austria;

    Division on Pharmacy and Devices PolicyCampania RegionNaples Italy;

    Department of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”University of;

    Pneumology and Allergy DepartmentUniversity of BarcelonaBarcelona Spain;

    Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical AllergologyUniversity of TurkuTurku Finland;

    Vilnius University Clinic of Children's Diseases and Public Health InstituteVilnius Lithuania;

    Peercode DVGerdermalsen The Netherlands;

    FILHAFinnish Lung AssociationHelsinki Finland;

    Department of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”University of;

    Unit of Geriatric ImmunoallergologyUniversity of Bari Medical SchoolBari Italy;

    Faculty of MedicineUniversity of CoimbraCoimbra Portugal;

    ASA ‐ Advanced Solutions AcceleratorClapiers France;

    International Primary Care Respiratory Group IPCRGAberdeen UK;

    Department of OtorhinolaryngologyHNO‐Klinik Universit?tsklinikum DüsseldorfDüsseldorf Germany;

    EIP on AHA CoordinatorRegion of Southern DenmarkOdense Denmark;

    Department of Medicine Solna Immunology and Allergy UnitKarolinska University HospitalStockholm;

    Sachs’ Children and Youth HospitalKarolinska InstitutetStockholm Sweden;

    Queen's UniversityBelfast UK;

    Celal Bayar University Department of PulmonologyGARD Executive CommitteeManisa Turkey;

    Universidad Católica de CórdobaCórdoba Argentina;

    Comprehensive Allergy‐Centre‐CharitéCharité‐Universit?tsmedizin BerlinBerlin Germany;

    Gesundheitsregion K?lnBonn ‐ HRCB Projekt GmbHKohln Germany;

    EC‐CNECT‐H2 European CommissionBrussels Belgium;

    EC‐CNECT‐H2 European CommissionBrussels Belgium;

  • 收录信息
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 医学免疫学;
  • 关键词

    Allergy; Allergy Diary; asthma; European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing; rhinitis;



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