首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Pathology: Official Publication of the American Association of Pathologists >Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mapping of Lysophosphatidic Acid Changes after Traumatic Brain Injury and the Relationship to Cellular Pathology

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mapping of Lysophosphatidic Acid Changes after Traumatic Brain Injury and the Relationship to Cellular Pathology


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Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) levels increase in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood within 24 hours after traumatic brain injury (TBI), indicating it may be a biomarker for subsequent cellular pathology. However, no data exist that document this association after TBI. We, therefore, acquired matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization imaging mass spectrometry data of LPA, major LPA metabolites, and hemoglobin from adult rat brains at 1 and 3 hours after controlled cortical impact injury. Data were semiquantitatively assessed by signal intensity analysis normalized to na?ve rat brains acquired concurrently. Gray and white matter pathology was assessed on adjacent sections using immunohistochemistry for cell death, axonal injury, and intracellular LPA, to determine the spatiotemporal patterning of LPA corresponding to pathology. The results revealed significant increases in LPA and LPA precursors at 1 hour after injury and robust enhancement in LPA diffusively throughout the brain at 3 hours after injury. Voxel-wise analysis of LPA by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and β-amyloid precursor protein by immunohistochemistry in adjacent sections showed significant association, raising the possibility that LPA is linked to secondary axonal injury. Total LPA and metabolites were also present in remotely injured areas, including cerebellum and brain stem, and in particular thalamus, where intracellular LPA is associated with cell death. LPA may be a useful biomarker of cellular pathology after TBI.



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