首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Nanoscale phase separations in as-fabricated thick super duplex stainless steels

Nanoscale phase separations in as-fabricated thick super duplex stainless steels


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Nanoscale phase separations, and effects of these, were studied for thick super duplex stainless steel products by atom probe tomography and mechanical testing. Although nanoscale phase separations typically occur during long-time service at intermediate temperatures (300-500 degrees C, our results show that slowly cooled products start to develop Fe and Cr separation and/or precipitation of Cu-rich particles already during fabrication. Copper significantly slowed down the kinetics at the expense of Cu-rich particle precipitation, where the high-copper material subjected to hot isostatic pressing (HIP), with Delta t(500-400) of 160 s and the low-copper hot-rolled plate with Delta t(500-400) of 2 s had the same level of Fe and Cr separation. The phase separations resulted in lower toughness and higher hardness of the HIP material than for hot-rolled plate. Therefore, both local cooling rate dependent and alloy composition governed variations of phase separations can be expected in as-fabricated condition.
机译:通过原子探针层析成像和力学测试,研究了厚超双相不锈钢产品的纳米级相分离及其影响。虽然纳米尺度的相分离通常发生在中温下的长时间使用过程中(300-500摄氏度,我们的结果表明,在制造过程中,缓慢冷却的产品开始出现铁和铬分离和/或富铜颗粒沉淀。铜显著减缓了动力学,但以牺牲富铜颗粒沉淀为代价,其中高铜材料经受热等静压(HIP),Delta t(500-400)为160秒,Delta t(500-400)为2秒的低铜热轧板的铁和铬分离水平相同。相分离导致HIP材料的韧性和硬度低于热轧板。因此,在制造条件下,可以预期局部冷却速率相关和合金成分相关的相分离变化。



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