首页> 外文期刊>World neurosurgery >Exoscopic to Endoscopic Channel-Based Trans-Sulcal Resection of a Third Ventricular Cavernous Malformation: Technical Case Illustration

Exoscopic to Endoscopic Channel-Based Trans-Sulcal Resection of a Third Ventricular Cavernous Malformation: Technical Case Illustration


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Cavernous malformations are angiographically occult vascular hamartomas without intervening neural tissue that represent an estimated 10% of central nervous system vascular pathologies.(1) Management is often dictated by lesion location, intranidal versus extranidal hemorrhage, presenting symptoms, acuity of onset, and surgical accessibility. Deep-seated cavernous malformations are often adjacent to eloquent structures, including functional white matter tracts that must be accounted for during surgical planning and respected during resection of the cavernoma. Exoscopic-guided channel-based approaches can help minimize retraction of brain tissue while providing a navigated, direct path to the target lesion.(2) We report a case of an 18-year-old man who presented with seizures and was found to have a hemorrhagic third ventricular cavernous malformation resulting in hydrocephalus. A right frontal trans-sulcal approach using an exoscope and channel-based retractor was performed and directed along the long axis of the lesion to minimize displacement of surrounding eloquent structures and manipulation of the fornix. An uneventful gross total resection was achieved and confirmed using an angled endoscope to inspect the cavity walls, the "exoscopic to endoscopic or E2E approach" (Video 1). The patient developed transient short-term memory dysfunction in the immediate postoperative period, likely due to retraction of the fornix, which dramatically improved with speech therapy and rehabilitation. The patient provided informed consent for surgery and video recording.
机译:海绵状畸形是一种血管造影学上的隐匿性血管错构瘤,无神经组织介入,约占中枢神经系统血管病变的10%。(1) 治疗通常取决于病变部位、鼻腔内出血与鼻腔外出血、症状表现、发病敏度和手术可及性。深部海绵状畸形常与雄辩的结构相邻,包括功能性白质束,在手术计划中必须加以考虑,在海绵状瘤切除术中必须予以尊重。外窥镜引导的基于通道的方法有助于最大限度地减少脑组织的收缩,同时提供通往目标病变的导航、直接路径。(2) 我们报告一例18岁男性癫痫发作,发现有出血性第三脑室海绵状畸形,导致脑积水。使用外窥镜和基于通道的牵开器进行右额经沟入路,并沿着病变长轴进行引导,以尽量减少周围雄辩结构的移位和穹窿的操作。采用“外窥镜-内窥镜或E2E入路”检查腔壁,实现了顺利的大体全切除,并得到确认(视频1)。患者在术后即刻出现短暂的短期记忆障碍,可能是由于穹窿回缩所致,通过言语治疗和康复,穹窿回缩显著改善。患者提供了手术和录像的知情同意书。



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