首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics >A lattice approach to evaluate participating policies in a stochastic interest rate framework

A lattice approach to evaluate participating policies in a stochastic interest rate framework


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To achieve the accurate evaluation and management of the risk affecting long-term life insurance contracts, the insurer cannot leave aside the consideration of stochastic dynamics not only for the company's assets but also for the interest rate. The aim of this paper is to provide, in such a framework, a flexible method for evaluating participating policies, life insurance products that combine financial and demographic risks, and provide benefits linked to the company's asset returns. Participating policies embedding not only a minimum guaranteed bonus rate but also a surrender option are analyzed. The method is flexible in that it allows the insurer to choose the most appropriate dynamics, both for the interest rate and the company's asset, among the ones widely diffused in finance. Lattice-based procedures are used to discretize the continuous time processes, and to provide a comprehensive evaluation method. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:为了对影响长期寿险合同的风险进行准确评估和管理,保险人不仅要考虑公司资产的随机动态,还要考虑利率的随机动态。本文的目的是在这样一个框架下,提供一种灵活的方法来评估参与保单、结合金融和人口风险的人寿保险产品,并提供与公司资产回报相关的利益。分析了既包含最低保证奖金率又包含退保期权的参与政策。这种方法很灵活,因为它允许保险人在金融领域广泛传播的动态中,选择最合适的动态,包括利率和公司资产。基于格点的程序用于离散连续时间过程,并提供一种综合评估方法。(C) 2020爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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