首页> 外文期刊>Cardiovascular toxicology >Exposure to Intermittent Noise Exacerbates the Cardiovascular Response of Wistar-Kyoto Rats to Ozone Inhalation and Arrhythmogenic Challenge

Exposure to Intermittent Noise Exacerbates the Cardiovascular Response of Wistar-Kyoto Rats to Ozone Inhalation and Arrhythmogenic Challenge


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Noise has become a prevalent public health problem across the world. Although there is a significant amount of data demonstrating the harmful effects of noise on the body, very little is known about how it impacts subsequent responses to other environmental stressors like air pollution, which tend to colocalize in urban centers. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of intermittent noise on cardiovascular function and subsequent responses to ozone (O3). Male Wistar-Kyoto rats implanted with radiotelemeters to non-invasively measure heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP), and assess heart rate variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) were kept in the quiet or exposed to intermittent white noise (85-90 dB) for one week and then exposed to either O3 (0.8 ppm) or filtered air. Left ventricular function and arrhythmia sensitivity were measured 24 h after exposure. Intermittent noise caused an initial increase in HR and BP, which decreased significantly later in the regimen and coincided with an increase in HRV and BRS. Noise caused HR and BP to be significantly elevated early during O3 and lower at the end when compared to animals kept in the quiet while the increased HRV and BRS persisted during the 24 h after. Lastly, noise increased arrhythmogenesis and may predispose the heart to mechanical function changes after O3. This is the first study to demonstrate that intermittent noise worsens the cardiovascular response to inhaled O3. These effects may occur due to autonomic changes and dysregulation of homeostatic controls, which persist one day after exposure to noise. Hence, co-exposure to noise should be taken into account when assessing the health effects of urban air pollution.
机译:噪音已成为全世界普遍存在的公共卫生问题。虽然有大量数据表明噪音对身体的有害影响,但对于它如何影响对其他环境压力源(如空气污染)的后续反应知之甚少,因为空气污染往往在城市中心集中。因此,本研究旨在确定间歇性噪声对心血管功能的影响以及随后对臭氧(O3)的反应。雄性Wistar Kyoto大鼠植入无线电遥测仪,以非侵入性测量心率(HR)和血压(BP),并评估心率变异性(HRV)和压力反射敏感性(BRS),将其保持安静或暴露于间歇性白噪声(85-90 dB)中一周,然后暴露于O3(0.8 ppm)或过滤空气中。暴露24小时后测量左心室功能和心律失常敏感性。间歇性噪音导致心率和血压最初升高,在治疗后显著降低,同时心率变异性和血压升高。噪声导致O3早期HR和BP显著升高,与安静的动物相比,O3结束时HR和BP显著降低,而HRV和BRS的增加在O3后的24小时内持续存在。最后,噪音增加了心律失常的发生,并可能使心脏易受O3后机械功能改变的影响。这是首次证明间歇性噪音会恶化心血管对吸入O3的反应的研究。这些影响可能是由于自主神经变化和体内平衡控制失调引起的,这些变化在暴露于噪声一天后持续存在。因此,在评估城市空气污染对健康的影响时,应考虑噪声的共同暴露。



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