首页> 外文期刊>Biological Journal of the Linnean Society >A brief history of research in campo rupestre: identifying research priorities and revisiting the geographical distribution of an ancient, widespread Neotropical biome

A brief history of research in campo rupestre: identifying research priorities and revisiting the geographical distribution of an ancient, widespread Neotropical biome

机译:Campo Rupestre的研究简史:确定研究优先事项并重新审视古代普遍的新型生物群系的地理分布

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Few ecologists and evolutionary biologists are familiar with the ecology and evolution of the campo rupestre, an ancient azonal peinobiome characterized by a fire-prone, nutrient-impoverished, montane vegetation mosaic, home to thousands of endemics and climate refugia. With the goal of providing a synthetic view of the campo rupestre, we provide a brief historical account of the biological research, revisit its geographical distribution and identify knowledge gaps. The azonal campo rupestre is distributed as isolated and naturally fragmented sky islands, mostly in Central and Eastern Brazil and in the Guyana Shield, with significant areas across the Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga and Pantanal. Our proposal to elevate campo rupestre to the level of biome is expected to improve communication among scientists and consolidate the use of the term campo rupestre in the ecological and evolutionary literature, as is the case for analogous ecosystems, such as kwongan, fynbos, pciramos and tepuis. Based on the identification of knowledge gaps, we propose a research programme comprising ten key topics that can foster our understanding of the ecology and evolution of campo rupestre and, potentially, support conservation strategies.
机译:很少有生态学家和进化生物学家熟悉campo Rupstre的生态和进化。campo Rupstre是一个古老的亚热带贝诺生物群落,其特点是易起火、营养贫乏、山地植被镶嵌,是数千个特有物种和气候避难所的家园。为了提供鲁珀斯特坎普的综合视图,我们简要介绍了生物学研究的历史,重新审视了其地理分布,并确定了知识差距。亚速尔海区的坎波-鲁普斯特尔岛是一个孤立的、自然破碎的天空岛屿,主要分布在巴西中部和东部以及圭亚那地盾,其重要区域横跨亚马逊、塞拉多、大西洋森林、卡廷加和潘塔纳尔。我们提出的将campo Rupstre提升到生物群落水平的建议,有望改善科学家之间的沟通,并巩固campo Rupstre一词在生态和进化文献中的使用,类似的生态系统,如kwongan、fynbos、pciramos和tepuis。基于对知识差距的识别,我们提出了一个包含十个关键主题的研究计划,这些主题可以促进我们对鲁珀斯特坎波生态和进化的理解,并可能支持保护战略。



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