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Plant origin and fruit traits shape fruit removal patterns by native birds in invaded plant communities


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Biotic interactions and mutualisms in particular have an important role in ecosystem structure and functioning as well as in the maintenance of biodiversity. Understanding how communities respond to the introduction of non-native species and what determines the establishment of novel interactions between native and introduced species will help in determining the potential impacts of biological invasions. The aims of this work were to assess patterns of frugivory and fruit removal in environments with invasion of non-native fleshy-fruited plants and to evaluate whether novel associations between native frugivores and non-native plants are determined by fruit traits. For this we selected eight study sites in areas with different degrees of invasion of non-native fleshy-fruited plants. In each site, we measured fruit availability and fruit traits of native and non-native plants. In addition, we conducted direct frugivory observations. We found that native and non-native fruits differed based on morphological trait variables, such as fruit weight and dimensions. Only two birds, Elaenia albiceps (smaller and migrant) and Turdus falcklandii (bigger and resident), are the main frugivorous present in the area. At the scale of the community of frugivores, neither visit nor fruit removal rates differ between natives and non-natives. However, at the species scale, while E. albiceps preferentially foraged on native plants, T. falcklandii preferred non-natives. Thus, some generalist frugivorous species like T. falcklandii can play a key role in promoting the invasion of non-native plants.
机译:尤其是生物相互作用和共生在生态系统结构和功能以及维持生物多样性方面具有重要作用。了解社区如何应对非本地物种的引入,以及什么决定了本地物种和引入物种之间建立新的相互作用,将有助于确定生物入侵的潜在影响。这项工作的目的是评估非本地肉质果实植物入侵环境中的食果和摘果模式,并评估本地食果和非本地植物之间的新关联是否由果实性状决定。为此,我们在非本地肉质果实植物入侵程度不同的地区选择了八个研究地点。在每个地点,我们测量了本地和非本地植物的果实可用性和果实性状。此外,我们还进行了直接的食果观察。我们发现,本地和非本地果实在形态特征变量(如果实重量和尺寸)上存在差异。只有两种鸟,Elaenia albiceps(较小的候鸟)和Turdus falklandii(较大的候鸟)是该地区的主要食果鸟类。在食果动物群落的规模上,本地人和非本地人的访问率和水果移除率都不存在差异。然而,在物种规模上,白化伊蚊优先在本地植物上觅食,而镰刀菌优先在非本地植物上觅食。因此,一些多面手食果物种,如T.falklandii,可以在促进外来植物入侵方面发挥关键作用。



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