首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Geotechnical Journal >Comparison of Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications regarding pile design subject to negative skin friction

Comparison of Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications regarding pile design subject to negative skin friction

机译:加拿大公路桥梁设计规范与AASHTO LRFD桥梁设计规范的比较桩设计对负皮摩擦的影响

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Negative skin friction acting on piles has long been included in the design of bridge foundations subject to ground settlement. However, currently there are inconsistencies in how negative skin friction and drag force are incorporated into the calculation of the geotechnical ultimate limit state (ULS), partly due to differences in the design codes. The latest editions of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications are compared with the analysis of a hypothetical steel H-pile, driven through a settling clay layer into a dense, nonsettling layer. The results show that foundation designs can be significantly more conservative and costly when adhering to the AASHTO code because this code includes the drag force in the geotechnical ULS. It is concluded that adhering to the CHBDC can result in a reduced foundation system by considering the actual force distribution in the pile.
机译:长期以来,受地面沉降影响的桥梁基础设计中,桩上的负表面摩擦力一直被包括在内。然而,目前在岩土极限状态(ULS)的计算中,负表面摩擦力和阻力的计算方式存在不一致,部分原因是设计规范的差异。将加拿大公路桥梁设计规范和AASHTO LRFD桥梁设计规范的最新版本与假设H型钢桩的分析进行比较,H型钢桩穿过沉降粘土层,进入致密的非沉降层。结果表明,基础设计可以明显更保守和昂贵的,当坚持到AASHTO代码,因为这个代码包括拖曳力在土工ULS。通过考虑桩身的实际受力情况,认为粘结在CHBDC上会导致地基体系的减少。



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