首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >First occurrence of Maiasaura (Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation of southern Alberta, Canada

First occurrence of Maiasaura (Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation of southern Alberta, Canada


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We describe a new partial skull with braincase of a maiasaurin hadrosaurid from the Milk River Ridge Reservoir near Warner, southern Alberta, as the first diagnostic occurrence of Maiasaura in Canada. This material was collected in the Oldman Formation, at approximately the same stratigraphic level as a nearby bonebed of the ceratopsid Coronosaurus brinkmani. The assignment of this specimen to Maiasaura, rather than to Brachylophosaurus, is supported by the narrow and acute posterior margin of the external naris, the relationship between the postorbital and squamosal in the supratemporal bar, and the morphology of the frontals, which are greatly thickened and elevated anteriorly, with the dorsal surface not completely covered by the nasofrontal contact at adult size. The occurrence of both Maiasaura and Brachylophosaurus in approximately similar-aged deposits of the Comrey Sandstone zone in southern Alberta provides support for some cladogenesis in the evolutionary history of Maiasaurini. Geographically, the more western distribution of Maiasaura localities with respect to all Brachylophosaurus localities is consistent with the hypothesis that a preference for more inland versus seaway-adjacent habitats may have influenced the phylogenetic divergence of these taxa.
机译:我们描述了加拿大南部阿尔伯塔省华纳附近牛奶河山脊水库中的一个新的部分头骨伴脑病例maiasaurin hadrosaurid,这是Maiasaura在加拿大的首次诊断病例。这些材料是在奥德曼地层中收集的,与附近的角龙科科龙龙的骨骸处于大致相同的地层水平。该标本被归属于Maiasaura,而不是短尾龙,这是由外鼻孔狭窄而锐利的后缘、眶后和颞上横杆中的鳞片之间的关系,以及额部的形态支持的,额部在前方显著增厚和升高,背表面没有完全被成人大小的鼻前额接触所覆盖。Maiasaura和Brachylophosaurus都出现在阿尔伯塔省南部Comrey砂岩带的大致相似的年龄矿床中,这为Maiasaurini演化史中的某些分支形成提供了支持。从地理上看,相对于所有短尾龙栖息地,Maiasaura栖息地的分布更为西化,这与以下假设相一致:对内陆栖息地的偏好可能影响了这些分类群的系统发育差异。



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