首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Use of an Integrated Geochemical and Ecotoxicological Approach to Evaluate Sediment Metal Contamination in Three Protected Estuarine Areas Along the Coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil

Use of an Integrated Geochemical and Ecotoxicological Approach to Evaluate Sediment Metal Contamination in Three Protected Estuarine Areas Along the Coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil


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We compared sediment quality in estuaries at three locations along the coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, using geochemical analyses and whole sediment toxicity tests, during the southern summer and winter of 2013. Each locality is afforded a distinct degree of legal protection, and exhibits a different level of metal pollution: overall, Rio Diana (RD, the most polluted, a Permanent Protection Area) > Rio Itapanhau (RI, intermediate contamination, an Environmental Protection Area) > Rio Picinguaba (RP, pristine, a State Park). Chronic sediment toxicity tests evaluated reproductive rates of the copepod Nitokra sp. RI sediments showed the highest metal concentrations and toxicity in both seasons. Metal concentrations at RD were low but toxic in summer. RP sediments were not contaminated, suggesting effective legal protection from pollution at this locality. RI and RD, although provided some legal protection, showed clear signs of environmental degradation, emphasizing the need for more effective pollution control.
机译:在2013年夏季夏季和冬季,在巴西圣保罗州海岸的三个地点沿着圣保罗州沿岸的三个地点比较了河口的沉积品质。每个地方都有一个不同程度的法律保护,展品不同水平的金属污染:总体而言,RIO戴安娜(RD,最受污染,永久保护区)>里奥伊帕瑙(RI,中级污染,环境保护区)> RIO PICGUGZEABA(RP,原始,国家公园)。慢性沉积物毒性试验评估了Copepod NITokra SP的生殖率。 RI沉积物在两个季节都显示出最高的金属浓度和毒性。 RD的金属浓度低但夏季毒性低。 RP沉积物未被污染,表明这种地方的污染有效保护。 RI和RD,虽然提供了一些法律保护,但表现出明显的环境退化迹象,强调需要更有效的污染控制。



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