首页> 外文期刊>British Dental Journal: The Journal of the British Dental Association >Case report: coronectomy of an impacted and submerged second deciduous molar

Case report: coronectomy of an impacted and submerged second deciduous molar


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Coronectomy is a widely-accepted technique available for the treatment of impacted wisdom teeth. The fundamental principle is to prevent trauma to the inferior dental nerve (IDN). Many publications have demonstrated its positive outcomes but there is no literature available regarding coronectomy of deciduous teeth. This case report highlights the complex approach to managing a severely infraoccluded 85 in the mixed dentition of a 10-year-old female. The report demonstrates and discusses the combined orthodontic and oral surgical approach to prevent damage to the IDN and to allow space for orthodontic movement. This case demonstrates how nerve sparing techniques in the mixed dentition are achievable. Clinical relevance statement When managing severely infraoccluded and impacted deciduous second molars, clinicians must be aware that the option of a coronectomy should be considered and may be the difference between sparing the nerve or causing permanent injury. Objective The reader should understand that coronectomy is a suitable treatment option in managing impacted deciduous teeth.



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