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DIGITNET: A Deep Handwritten Digit Detection and Recognition Method Using a New Historical Handwritten Digit Dataset


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This paper introduces a novel deep learning architecture, named DIGITNET, and a large-scale digit dataset, named DIDA, to detect and recognize handwritten digits in historical document images written in the nineteen century. To generate the DIDA dataset, digit images are collected from 100, 000 Swedish handwritten historical document images, which were written by different priests with different handwriting styles. This dataset contains three sub-datasets including single digit, large-scale bounding box annotated multi-digit, and digit string with 250, 000, 25, 000, and 200, 000 samples in RedGreen-Blue (RGB) color spaces, respectively. Moreover, DIDA is used to train the DIGITNET network, which consists of two deep learning architectures, called DIGITNET-dect and DIGITNET-rec, respectively, to isolate digits and recognize digit strings in historical handwritten documents. In DIGITNET-dect architecture, to extract features from digits, three residual units where each residual unit has three convolution neural network structures are used and then a detection strategy based on You Look Only Once (YOLO) algorithm is employed to detect handwritten digits at two different scales. In DIGITNET-rec, the detected isolated digits are passed through 3 different designed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures and then the classification results of three different CNNs are combined using a voting scheme to recognize digit strings. The proposed model is also trained with various existing handwritten digit datasets and then validated over historical handwritten digit strings. The experimental results show that the proposed architecture trained with DIDA (publicly available from: https://didadataset.io/DIDA) outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:本文介绍了一个名为Digitnet的新型深度学习架构,名为Dida的大型数字数据集,以检测和识别在十九世纪写的历史文档图像中的手写数字。要生成DIDA数据集,从1000 000瑞典手写历史文档图像中收集数字图像,这些历史文档图像由不同的牧师用不同的笔迹样式编写。该数据集包含三个子数据集,包括单位数字,大型边界框注释的多位数,以及分别在RedGreen-Blue(RGB)颜色空间中的250,000,25,000和200,000个样本的数字字符串。此外,Dida用于培训DigitNet网络,该网络分别由两个深入的学习架构组成,分别称为DigitNet-Dect和DigitNet-Rec,分离数字并识别历史手写文档中的数字字符串。在Digitnet-Dect架构中,要从数字中提取特征,三个残余单元使用,其中每个残差单元使用三个卷积神经网络结构,然后基于您的检测策略仅用于一次(YOLO)算法用于检测两个手写的数字不同的尺度。在DigitNet-REC中,检测到的隔离位通过3个不同设计的卷积神经网络(CNN)架构,然后使用投票方案组合三种不同CNN的分类结果以识别数字字符串。所提出的模型也接受了各种现有手写的数字数据集,然后通过历史手写数字字符串验证。实验结果表明,拟议的架构与DIDA培训(公开可供选择:https://didadataset.io/dida)优于最先进的方法。 (c)2020提交人。 elsevier公司发布



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