首页> 外文期刊>Bioethics >A local criterion of fairness in sport: Comparing the property advantages of Caster Semenya and Eero Mantyranta with implications for the construction of categories in sport

A local criterion of fairness in sport: Comparing the property advantages of Caster Semenya and Eero Mantyranta with implications for the construction of categories in sport

机译:体育公平的局部标准:比较施法者Openya和Eero Manteryranta的财产优势,并对体育类别构建的影响

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This paper aims to bring a novel approach to the discussion of unfair advantages in sport by looking for a local criterion of fairness instead of a universal criterion. A local criterion of fairness would not solve the general dispute over what counts as an unfair advantage, but it would be beneficial in evaluating specific cases and could guide further discussion about them. We seek a local criterion of fairness by comparing the specific property advantages of Caster Semenya and Eero Mantyranta. South African Semenya is a middle-distance runner whose right to compete in the female category has been challenged owing to her assumed difference of sex development and related high level of testosterone. Finnish Mantyranta was a cross-country skier with an exceptionally high haematocrit level. We examine whether there is a relevant difference between their advantages that would justify treating the athletes differently. We propose that the criterion 'not attainable by other athletes in the same category' could stand as a local criterion of fairness under certain conditions. However, its proper application requires further discussion on how to justify categories in sport.
机译:本文旨在通过寻找公平的局部标准而不是普遍标准,为体育中不公平优势进行讨论的新方法。本地公平的标准不会解决对作为一个不公平优势的普遍争议,但它将有利于评估具体案件,并可以指导关于他们的进一步讨论。我们通过比较施法者半亚燕麦菌和羊骨yranta的特定财产优势,寻求本地的公平标准。南非Openya是一个中距离的跑步者,其在女性类别中竞争的权利因她的性发展和相关高水平的睾酮而受到挑战。 Finnish Mantyranta是一个越野滑雪者,血细胞比容高。我们检查他们的优势之间是否有相关的差异,这些优势会有理由地对待运动员。我们建议,在同一类别中的其他运动员不可能实现的标准可能是某些条件下公平的本地标准。但是,其适当的申请需要进一步讨论如何证明体育类别。



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