
Production of medical Sc radioisotopes with an alpha particle beam


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The internal a-particle beam of the Warsaw Heavy Ion Cyclotron was used to produce research quantities of the medically interesting Sc radioisotopes from natural Ca and K and isotopically enriched Ca-42 targets. The targets were made of metallic calcium, calcium carbonate and potassium chloride. New data on the production yields and impurities generated during the target irradiations are presented for the positron emitters Sc-43, Sc-44 g and Sc-44 m. The different paths for the production of the long lived Sc-44 m/Sc-44 g in vivo generator, proposed by the ARRONAX team, using proton and deuteron beams as well as alpha-particle beams are discussed. Due to the larger angular momentum transfer in the formation of the compound nucleus in the case of the alpha particle induced reactions, the isomeric ratio of Sc-44 m/Sc-44 g at a bombarding energy of 29 MeV is five times larger than previously determined for a deuteron beam and twenty times larger than for proton induced reactions on enriched CaCO3 targets. Therefore, formation of this generator via the alpha-particle route seems a very attractive way to form these isotopes. The experimental data presented here are compared with theoretical predictions, made using the EMPIRE evaporation code. Reasonable agreement is generally observed.
机译:华沙重离子回旋源的内部粒子梁用于产生来自天然Ca和K和同位素富集的Ca-42靶标的医学上有趣的SC放射性同位素的研究。目标由金属钙,碳酸钙和氯化钾制成。为靶照射期间产生的生产产量和杂质的新数据用于正电子发射器SC-43,SC-44 G和SC-44M。讨论了使用质子和氘梁以及α-粒子束的Arronax团队提出的Vivo发生器的长寿命SC-44M / SC-44g以及使用质子和氘梁的不同路径。由于在α颗粒诱导反应的情况下形成复合核的角动量较大,SC-44M / SC-44g的异构比例为29meV的轰击能量是比以前更大的五倍确定氘梁和比富集的CaCO 3靶标的重复反应大的20倍。因此,通过α-粒子路线形成该发电机似乎是形成这些同位素的非常有吸引力的方式。这里呈现的实验数据与使用帝国蒸发码进行的理论预测进行了比较。一般观察到合理的协议。



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