首页> 外文期刊>表面科学 >Decay Processes of Nano-Features on Metal Surfaces in Electrolytes

Decay Processes of Nano-Features on Metal Surfaces in Electrolytes

机译:在 电解质 金属表面 的 衰变过程 纳米特征

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Decay processes of multi-layered islands on Au(100) surface, as well as nano-holes on Au(100) and Ag(100) surfaces in sulfuric acid aqueous solution under potential control have been investigated by in-situ electrochemical atomic force microscopy (EC-AFM). The influences of surface excess charge and of the high electric filed at metal/electrolyte interface on the decay processes have been discussed. The decay rate of the first layer of the multi-layered islands is constant independently of the time elapse, suggesting that the detachment of the atoms from the step edges is a limiting process for the decay. The decay rate of the second or the third layer after the complete collapse of the upper layer is almost the same as that of the first layer. The rate is much greater than that before the complete collapse of the upper layer. The decay rate of the nano-islands and -holes on Au(100) has a minimum near the zero charge potential, and increases as the potential varies from the minimum.
机译:通过原位电化学原子力显微镜研究了Au(100)表面上的多层岛上的多层岛,以及Au(100)和Ag(100)表面上的纳米孔的纳米孔 (EC-AFM)。 已经讨论了表面过量电荷和在衰变过程中金属/电解质界面处施加的高电器的影响。 多层岛的第一层的衰减率独立于时间流逝恒定,这表明原子从台边的分离是衰减的限制过程。 在上层完全坍塌后的第二层或第三层的衰减率几乎与第一层的崩溃相同。 速率远大于上层完全塌陷之前的速率。 纳米岛和-Holes在Au(100)上的衰减速率在零充电电位附近最小,并且随着潜力从最小的变化而增加。



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