首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 衛星通信. Satellite Telecommunications >Rain attenuation characteristics in Ku and Ka band satellite communications related to the kinds of rain fronts

Rain attenuation characteristics in Ku and Ka band satellite communications related to the kinds of rain fronts


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Rain attenuation ratio of Ka- to Ku-band satellite signals is investigated related to the kinds of rain fronts, using BS (11.84 GHz) and N-Star (19.45 GHz) signals, which have been received at the earth station in our university (Neyagawa, Osaka) for the past 13 years. A comparatively large attenuation ratio was primarily found, when the cold fronts passed over the earth station in Baiu season. In contrast, a comparatively small ratio was primarily obtained, when the earth station was located to the south of the stationary fronts in Akisame season. A small ratio was also found in summertime shower. This difference seems to be caused by a dominant kind of raindrop size distribution in each season.
机译:通过BS(11.84GHz)和N-STAR(19.45 GHz)信号进行研究,研究了KA-至Ku波段卫星信号的雨衰减比率,这些信号已经在我们大学的地球站( Neyagawa,大阪)过去13年。 当冷锋通过Baiu季节的地球站过去时,主要发现了相对大的衰减比。 相反,当地球站位于Akisame季节的固定前沿的南部时,主要获得比较小的比率。 夏季淋浴也发现了小的比例。 这种差异似乎是由每个季节的主要雨滴尺寸分布引起的。



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