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Serpentinization of hyperbasites and the forming of chrysotile-asbestos deposits


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Mineral composition of chrysotile-asbestos-bearingultramafic rocks and development of serpentinization process areanalyzed from the point of forming of the minable asbestos veins.Variations in composition of mineral associations related todifferent ore zones should be caused by evolution of ore-formingcolutions during their penetration from faults into blocks of partlyserpentinized alpinotype dunite-harzburgites. The process hadstarted by the #beta#-lizarditizatio which spread over zones offaults, thin fissures and veinlets and stopped steadily within the《large netting》zone. Increase of alkalinity in solutions at the frontwave of #beta#-lizarditization provided the chrysotilization ofrocks but it was limited usually by fringes of simple and nettedveins. In numerous asbestos deposits (Bazhenovskoye,Kiembaiskoye, Molodezhnoye, etc) the chrysotilization was suitedby antigoritization going far from fringes over barren weaklyserpentinized blocks. Generally, this process was followed by thedeposition of chrysotile-asbestos. But in some deposits(Dzhetygora, Ostaninskoye, Aktovrakskoye) the antigoritizationhad the smallest development.
机译:从成形的矿石静脉的成形点,含甲状腺炎植物的矿物质成分的矿物质成分岩土化过程中alyzezed。矿物联想组成中的矿物关联组成应引起矿石成矿矿石在渗透过失时引起的进入分型蛋白化的血管型DINE-Harzburgites的嵌段。由#β#-Lizarditizatio的过程蔓延到Zones offaults,细小裂隙和静脉,并在“大网”区域内稳步停止。在#β#-Leastwave的前波溶液中碱度的增加提供了卷曲的卷曲化,但通常通过简单和Nettedveins的条件限制。在众多石棉矿床(Bazhenovskoye,Kiembaiskoye,Molodezhnoye等)中,克莱索化被释放来自贫瘠弱碱化块的抗弯度。通常,此过程之后是菊花植物的沉淀。但在一些存款(Dzhetygora,Ostaninskoye,Aktovrakskoye)的抗原化斑点最小的发展。



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