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Some issues of chemical activity of minerals: its genetic and technological aspects


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Chemical activity of a substance may be regarded asits capacity to come into various chemical reactions. In connectionto mineralogy this problem has genetic and technological aspects.From genetic point the attention should be direct to mechanism ofreactions and forms I which the reaction capacity appears itself.These two factors could allow 1) to explain, in some cases,complicated relations between minerals, 2) to predict possiblenewly formed minerals, 3) to estimate the degree of a crystalstructure tolerance for effect of various agents, and responsivenessof its different elements (atoms, molecules, coordinated groups.)analysis of factors accelerating the chemical activity of a mineral isno less significant. Those factors can exist within the mineral itself,but might be imported from outside also. In general, data onchemical activity ought to be considered first of all in technologyof the ore processing; for example, to chose the rational flotation scheme, etc.
机译:物质的化学活性可被认为是各种化学反应的含义能力。 在Connection of矿物学中,这个问题具有遗传和技术方面。从遗传点的注意力应该是直接的影响,并形成反应能力似乎的机制。这两个因素可能允许1)在某些情况下解释矿物质之间的复杂关系 2)预测可能形成的矿物质,3)估计各种试剂的效果的晶体结构耐受程度,以及其不同元素(原子,分子,协调基团的反应性。分析矿物质的矿物质的化学活性分析 不太重要。 这些因素可以存在于矿物质内,但也可以从外面进口。 一般来说,数据onChemical活动应该首先考虑矿石加工的技术; 例如,选择合理的浮选方案等。



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