首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Physician-Assisted Suicide

Physician-Assisted Suicide


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To the Editor: Studies support that psychiatrists' ethical views on physician-assisted suicide clearly affect their clinical understanding of this practice (1). This bias is demonstrated in both the manner in which N. Gregory Hamilton, M.D., and Catherine A. Hamilton, M.A. (2) described cases of physician-assisted suicide and the Journal editors' choice to publish the case report. Dr. and Ms. Hamilton stated that the law failed to protect "Kate Cheney, an 85-year-old cancer patient with growing dementia, whose psychiatrist believed she was being pressured by her family. Nevertheless, she was approved for an overdose by a psychologist" (p. 1061). I was the psychiatrist who determined that Ms. Cheney did not meet the requirements of the law, but concern regarding coercion was not the primary basis. This woman had mild, potentially reversible cognitive deficits that interfered with her ability to understand her options. I agreed with the need for a second opinion and assisted in finding a qualified mentalhealth professional to give one. As noted by Grisso and Appelbaum (3), "A key element in attempting to maximize patient performance is delaying the final decision about their capacities.. .repeat evaluations are often helpful in distinguishing between time-limited and permanent impairments" (p. 92).
机译:致编辑:研究支持精神科医生对医师协助自杀的伦理观点明显影响了他们对该实践的临床理解(1)。 N. Gregory Hamilton,M.D.和Catherine A. Hamilton,M.A.(2)描述医生协助自杀的情况以及《华尔街日报》编辑选择发表病例报告的方式都证明了这种偏见。汉密尔顿博士和女士表示,该法律未能保护“ 85岁的患有痴呆症的癌症患者凯特·切尼(Kate Cheney),他的精神病医生认为她受到家人的压力。尽管如此,她还是得到了医生的许​​可。心理学家”(第1061页)。我是确定切尼女士不符合法律要求的精神科医生,但对胁迫的关注并不是主要依据。这位妇女患有轻度,潜在可逆的认知缺陷,影响了她理解自己选择的能力。我同意需要第二种意见,并协助找到了合格的精神保健专业人员。正如Grisso和Appelbaum(3)所指出的,“试图使患者表现最佳的关键因素是延迟关于患者能力的最终决定。重复评估通常有助于区分时间限制和永久性损害”(第92页) )。



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