首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan >Estimation and Future Prediction of Mercury Emissions from Anthropogenic Sources in South Korea

Estimation and Future Prediction of Mercury Emissions from Anthropogenic Sources in South Korea


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This study discusses the status of mercury (Hg) emissions and distribution from major anthropogenic sources and the future trend of Hg emissions by activity changes and application of Best Available Technologies (BATs) in South Korea. Atmospheric Hg emission from major anthropogenic sources, based on Annex D of the Minamata Convention, was estimated at approximately 4.48 t in 2014. Emission ratios of Hg by cement clinker production, coal-fired power plants, waste incineration, and non-ferrous metal smelting were 59.8%, 26.6%, 13.8%, and 0.22%, respectively. For this reason, the high Hg emission regions are characterized by the presence of cement clinker production facilities and coal-fired power plants. The future activities of such emission sources were predicted using linear regression with moving averages of the previous activities. The predicted results reveal that the Hg emissions from major sources will increase to 6.06 t in 2022. In addition, the amount of Hg emitted into the atmosphere could be reduced by applying BATs resulting in a decrease to 2.66 t in 2022. In this scenario, the Hg emissions from coal-fired power plants and cement clinkers facilities are expected to decrease significantly.



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