首页> 外文期刊>AIChE Journal >Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Mixtures Containing Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon Dioxide,and Ethane

Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Mixtures Containing Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon Dioxide,and Ethane


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Vapor-liquid equilibria of binary and ternary mixtures containing nitrogen (N_2) oxygen (O_2) Carbon dioxide (CO_2) and ethane (C_2H_6) are studied by molecular simulation using two-center Lennard-Jones plus point quadrupole models Pure-component models are taken from recent work mixtures are described using teh lorentz-Berthelot combining rules Predictions of vapor-liquid equilibria from pure-componentdata along agree well iwth exsperimental data for eample the azeoropicbehavior of the carbon dioxide + ethane system is predicted correctly Further improvemetns are achieved by adjusting one parameter in the energetic term of th combining rule to binary data For thsi purpose a simple and efficient procedure is proposed Excellent agreement between the molecular models and experimental data for vapor-liquid equilibria satrated densities ad enthalpies of vaporiaationis obgserved for the five binary systems studied inthe present work (N_2+O_2,CO_2+C_2H_6,O_2+CO_2,N_2+CO_2,N_2+C_2H_6).Vapor-liuid equilibria of two ternary mizture (N_2+O_2+CO_2+C)2H_6) are predicted weell without any further adjustmetn of model parameters Results from molecular simulatin are compared to tehose from the Peng-Robinsonequatin of state the PC-SAFT equatin of state and the BACKONE equation of state using the same data to determine model parameters The quality of correlations with system-specific binary interactin parameters from molecular ismulatioand equations of state is similar and the predictive poweofmolecular simulationis clearlysuperior.
机译:使用两中心Lennard-Jones加点四极杆模型通过分子模拟研究了含氮(N_2)氧(O_2)二氧化碳(CO_2)和乙烷(C_2H_6)的二元和三元混合物的汽液平衡使用Lorentz-Berthelot组合规则描述了最近工作混合物中的混合物,根据纯组分数据预测了气液平衡,同时也很好地预测了实验数据,例如正确预测了二氧化碳+乙烷体系的共沸行为。在将规则结合到二元数据的能量项中的参数上,为此目的,提出了一种简单而有效的方法。对于其中研究的五个二元系统,观察到分子模型与汽-液平衡饱和密度和汽化焓的实验数据之间的优异一致性。当前工作(N_2 + O_2,CO_2 + C_2H_6,O_2 + CO_2,N_2 + CO_2,N_2 + C_2H_6)。无需模型参数的任何调整即可预测两个三元混合物(N_2 + O_2 + CO_2 + C)2H_6的流体平衡。使用相同数据确定模型参数的BACKONE状态方程与分子特异的状态方程和系统特定的二元相互作用参数的相关性相似,并且预测的分子模拟明显优越。



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