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A report from the 22nd congress of the european academy of dermatology and venereology (October 2-6, 2013 - Istanbul, Turkey)

机译:来自欧洲皮肤科和VeneReology第22大会的报告(2013年10月2日至6日 - 伊斯坦布尔,土耳其)

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During the annual congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), Istanbul, a bridge across Europe and Asia, attracted dermatologists from both continents, along with researchers and clinicians from the Americas and other parts of the world, to discuss new advancements in the treatment of common, in many cases severe, diseases that affect not only the skin, but also deep into human bodies. The following report reflects the important fact in dermatology that biologic and targeted therapies are conquering the drug armamentarium well beyond the known area of psoriasis and melanoma into areas such as atopic dermatitis. In fact, early clinical trials with two novel monoclonal antibodies presented during the first day of scientific sessions at EADV demonstrated a favorable efficacy profile that anticipates innovative developments in the strategies for treating atopic dermatitis and possibly other diseases of the skin. Many other topics of interest were also discussed during the meeting's sessions and electronic poster presentations, as summarized in the report. copy; 2013 prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
机译:在欧洲皮肤科和Venoreogy学院(EADV)的年度大会期间,伊斯坦布尔,欧洲和亚洲的一座桥梁吸引了两大洲的皮肤病学家,以及来自美洲和世界其他地区的研究人员和临床医生,讨论新的进步在常见的治疗中,在许多情况下严重,疾病不仅影响皮肤,还会影响人体。以下报告反映了皮肤科的重要事实,即生物学和有针对性的疗法征服药物armamentium远远超出牛皮癣和黑色素瘤的已知区域,进入特应性皮炎等区域。事实上,在EADV的科学会话的第一天介绍了具有两种新型单克隆抗体的早期临床试验表明了有利的疗效曲线,预计治疗特应性皮炎和可能其他皮肤疾病的策略中的创新发展。在会议的会议和电子海报演示期间还讨论了许多其他兴趣主题,如报告所述。复制; 2013年威严科学,S.A.U.或其许可方。版权所有。



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