
New analgesic: Focus on botulinum toxin


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In 2010, Kissin concluded pessimistically that of the 59 new drugs introduced in the fifty-year period between 1960 and 2009 and still in use, only seven had new molecular targets. Of these, only one, sumatriptan, was effective enough to lead to the introduction of multiple drugs targeting the same target molecules (triptans) (Kissin, 2010). Morphine and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), introduced for the treatment of pain more than a century ago, continue to dominate biomedical publications despite their limited effectiveness in many areas (e.g., neuropathic pain) and serious adverse effects. Today, are we really closer to ideal analgesics that would work hard enough, long enough, and did not have unwanted side effects? The purpose of the present article is to analyze where we are now. Several drugs, like long-acting opioids or botulinum toxins open some hope. Advantage of botulinum toxin A is unique duration of action (months). New discoveries showed that after peripheral application botulinum toxin by axonal transport reaches the CNS. Major analgesic mechanism of action seems to be of central origin. Will botulinum toxin in the CNS bring new indications and or/adverse effects? Much more basic and clinical research should be in front of us. Although relatively safe as a drug, botulinum toxin is not without adverse effect. Policy makers, clinicians and all those applying botulinum toxin should be aware of that. Unfortunately the life without the pain is still not possible.
机译:2010年,Kissin令人悲观地结束了1960年至2009年的五十年期间推出的59个新药中,仍在使用中,只有七个有新的分子靶标。其中,只有一个,Sumatriptan足以导致引入靶向相同靶分子(曲顶)的多种药物(Kissin,2010)。如前所述,在疼痛的治疗中引入了吗啡和乙酰胱氨酸酸(阿司匹林),尽管许多领域的有效性有限(例如,神经性疼痛)和严重的不良反应,但仍然存在疼痛的治疗。今天,我们是否真的更接近理想的镇痛药,这将足够努力,足够长,并且没有不必要的副作用?本文的目的是分析我们现在的位置。几种药物,如长效的阿片类药物或肉毒杆菌毒素开放了一些希望。肉毒杆菌毒素A的优势是独特的动作持续时间(月)。新发现表明,在外周施用肉毒杆菌毒素轴突运输后达到CNS。主要的镇痛机制似乎是中原。 CNS中肉毒杆菌毒素会带来新的指示和/不利影响吗?更基本和临床研究应该在我们面前。虽然对药物相对安全,但肉毒杆菌毒素并非没有不良影响。政策制定者,临床医生和应用肉毒杆菌毒素的所有人都应该意识到这一点。不幸的是,没有痛苦的生活仍然是不可能的。



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