<![CDATA[On dual programs in co-logic programming and the Horn <InlineEquation ID='IEq1'> <InlineMediaObject> <ImageObject Color='BlackWhite' FileRef='165_2016_404_Article_IEq1.gif' Format='GIF' Rendition='HTML' Type='Linedraw'/> </InlineMediaObject> <EquationSource Format='TEX'>$${mu}$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format='MATHML'> <math xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'> <mi mathvariant='italic'>μ</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation>-calculus]]>

$${mu}$$ μ -calculus]]>

机译:<! “键入=”leinedraw“/> $$ { utationsource> μ -Calculus]]>

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Abstract We consider some extensions of co-logic programming and study its relationship with the Horn $${mu}$$ μ -calculus by Charatonik et?al. We first consider negation elimination (NE), a familiar technique of program transformation, for co-logic programs. Given a program P, NE derives its dual program $${P^{st}}$$ P * which defines the “complement” of P. When we apply NE to co-logic programs with negation, we show that the stratification restriction, a syntactic condition imposed on co-logic programs, becomes too restrictive in general, and that the Horn $${mu}$$ μ -calculus can be used as an extension of co-logic programming for handling “non-stratified” co-logic programs. We then consider some applications of non-stratified co-logic programs to the well-founded semantics (WFS) and Answer Set Programming. In particular, we give new iterated fixpoint characterizations of the WFS as well as answer sets via dual programs. We also discuss some applications of non-stratified co-logic programs to program transformation such as partial deduction, and a proof procedure for the WFS.]]>
机译: $$ { utationsource> μ < / Inlineequation> -Calculus由夏拉替尼替换。我们首先考虑<重点类型=“斜体”>否定消除(NE),熟悉的程序转换技术,用于共同逻辑程序。鉴于程序<重点类型=“斜体”> p ,ne导出其<重点类型=“斜体”>双程序 $$ {p ^ { ast}} $$ p * < / mo> 定义<重点类型=“斜体”> p 的“补充”。当我们用否定应用NE到共同逻辑程序时,我们表明分层限制,对共同逻辑程序强加的句法条件一般都过于限制,并且喇叭 $$ { mu} $ $ μ -Calculus可以用作处理“非分层”共逻辑程序的共同逻辑编程的扩展。然后,我们将非分层共逻辑程序的一些应用程序应用于良好的语义(WFS)和回答集编程。特别是,我们通过双程提供WFS的新迭代FixPoint特性以及答案集。我们还讨论了非分层共逻辑程序的一些应用程序,以便编程转换,例如部分扣除,以及WFS的证明程序。]>



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